Saturday 16 December 2017

Lj forex group

Zostać Filipińczykiem według Kulasa Kanadyjczyk Kyle Kulas Jennermann przynosi BecomingFilipino do telewizji i dzieli się opowieściami zwykłych ludzi. MANILA, Filipiny Bez względu na to, czy odwiedzają go przez krótki czy długi czas, większość obcokrajowców łatwo osiądzie w kraju. Przypisują to Filipińczykom dobrą znajomość języka angielskiego i ich markę gościnności i szacunku dla innych. Właśnie dlatego Kyle Jennermann, znany również jako Kulas, postanowił uczynić z Filipin swój dom z dala od domu, którym jest Kanada. Aby wypożyczyć linię z popularnej piosenki Manila Sound, podróż Kyles I-Keep-Coming-Back-To-Manila pełna miejscowych atrakcji, dźwięków i smaków jest prezentowana w serialu zatytułowanym Becoming Filipino Your Travel Blog, premierowanie dzisiaj o 7. : 30 na ANC z powtórkami w soboty o 16:30 Będzie również emitowany na TFC. Czego chcesz Góry, plaże, kultura, taniec, jedzenie. To jak podróżowanie w ponad stu krajach po prostu tutaj, powiedział Kyle o tym, co archipelag Juan dela Cruzs może zaoferować podróżującym za granicą. Miałem niezapomniane miejsca, ale nigdy nie możesz wybrać ulubionego miejsca, ponieważ każde miejsce jest tak różnorodne, wiesz. Kinilaw (danie surowej ryby w sokach cytrusowych) w Siquijor różni się od kinilaw w Cagayan de Oro. Plaże w Antique różnią się od plaż w Mindanao. Uwielbiam kinilaw i mogę stworzyć własną kinilawę. Taka różnorodność fascynuje Kyle'a, a także odwiedzających, którzy odkrywają coś nowego, nawet jeśli byli w tym miejscu więcej niż raz. Każda podróż jest wyjątkowa. Wśród ubocznych torów, które odwiedził 28-latek, znajduje się wyspa Balut w Sarangani, czyli ośmiogodzinna podróż łodzią na południe od General Santos. Na wyspie Kyle spotkał członków plemion Blaana i Manobo, a także Visayanów i Indonezyjczyków. I wszyscy żyją w takiej harmonii, przypomniał sobie Kyle. (I) plaża, wiesz, wszystko jest czyste. Dla mnie to niesamowite doświadczenie, aby zobaczyć różnorodność w jednym miejscu. Jak pięknie może być Jak każda osoba, która poznaje inną kulturę po raz pierwszy, Kyle miał swój udział w korektach. Myślę, że największą rzeczą od razu było, gdy pierwszy raz przybyłem na Filipiny, jak tu wychodzą ludzie, powiedział. (Lubię) w tradycyjnym domu filipińskim, ci ludzie przychodzą i odchodzą czasami ludzie, których nawet nie znasz, są tylko przyjaciółmi przyjaciół. (także, gdy jesteś cudzoziemcem) moim zdaniem, ludzie są bardzo zainteresowani tobą, z wyjątkiem tego, że trochę boją się krwawienia z nosa. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, jeśli z nimi porozmawiasz, dowiesz się więcej. Jedzenie również (było kolejnym wyzwaniem). Jeśli nie jesz ryżu i przyjeżdżasz na Filipiny, ryż jest życiem. Ryż jest dobry ze wszystkim. Ryż cały dzień ze wszystkim. Aby opowieść była krótka, Kyle dostosował się do tych różnic kulturowych, które mogą wywołać niepokój u innych, nauczyć się filipińskiego stylu życia i zakochać się w nim. Zrezygnował z wygodnego życia w Hongkongu i zakończył tam karierę finansową. Rozrywka (artykuł MRec), strona tytułowa: 1, rozdział: 1 Kulas: Bycie tutaj jest jak podróżowanie po ponad stu krajach Przez cztery lata studiowałem zdrowie i rekreację w Kanadzie, Kyle powiedział, co go zatrzymywało, zanim został Filipińczykiem . To trochę nauki o sporcie, odrobina odżywiania, odrobina dobrego samopoczucia. Pracowałem w Hong Kongu dla firmy przygodowej na świeżym powietrzu. (Pracowałem z) grupą ośmio-latków lub 18-latków. Zabieramy je na zewnątrz, robimy programy budowania zespołu, uczymy ich trochę umiejętności życiowych, zabieramy je na wspinaczkę, kajaki morskie, trekking. To naprawdę przygoda na świeżym powietrzu. Moje życie w Hong Kongu to w zasadzie edukacja na świeżym powietrzu. Zrezygnowałem z pracy w Hongkongu około półtora roku temu, kiedy poświęciłem całe swoje życie tej wędrówce po Filipinach. To był prawdopodobnie ostatni raz, gdy pracowałem tam sezonowo. Zasadniczo rozdałem wszystkie moje pieniądze na tę podróż w ciągu dwóch lat. Po prostu sfinansowałem to z przekonania, że ​​przynosi to (nie tylko pozytywny) we mnie, ale także w innych ludziach. Szczerze wierzę, że jeśli znajdziesz coś w swoim życiu, które sprawia, że ​​jesteś szczęśliwy, ale nie jest to samolubne i to jest coś, co sprawia, że ​​inni ludzie są szczęśliwi (i daje) pozytywny wpływ na innych, po prostu go realizuj i wchodź w niego. Jestem bardzo błogosławiony, że mam zespół, grupę ludzi, która mnie wspiera. Zespół, o którym wspomina Kyle, pomaga mu w występie, który rozpoczął się w mediach społecznościowych za pośrednictwem BecomingFilipino. Zgodnie z informacjami dostarczonymi przez zespół Kylesa, gospodarz przyniesie mu zaraźliwą szczęśliwą, zdrową i pozytywną osobowość na nową platformę. Przedstawi narodowe skarby i opowieści zwykłych ludzi, a także ich sentymenty, aspiracje, wartości i tradycje. Byłem bardzo zdenerwowany w tworzeniu telewizji, powiedział. Zawsze byłem bardzo powściągliwy w próbowaniu nowych rzeczy w świecie produkcji. Powód, dla którego to mówię, ponieważ wszystko, co wydarzyło się w ciągu ostatnich dwóch i pół roku, było bardzo realne. Zostało Filipino, to jest moje życie. Naprawdę jest. W sensie treści, jestem mocno zaangażowany. Nigdy nie pracowałem tak ciężko w całym moim życiu. Chociaż podróżował po Filipinach z Cagayan de Oro jako punktem wyjścia, Kyle chce studiować w języku potocznym Tagalog, aby mógł w pełni zanurzyć się w życie filipińskie. Gusto kong mag-salita tagalog, powiedział z grubym obcym akcentem. Naprawdę chcę mówić płynnie Tagalog i Bisaya. Będę, jestem właśnie teraz przytłoczony rzeczami, których doświadczam, i nie poświęcam czasu (uczę się) języka. Ale będę. Daj mi czas. Po poprawieniu (akulturacji) swojej nowej kultury i zrozumieniu kilku niuansów kultury filipińskiej, Kyle, który podróżował do 29 krajów, powiedział, że najbardziej obawia się opuszczenia Filipin. Dodał, że nadal jest dumny z bycia Kanadyjczykiem, ale uważa Filipiny za swój dom. Szczęście i nie bój się podzielić tym w twoim życiu, powiedział Kyle o tym, co dla niego jest filipińskim. I po prostu bądźcie szczęśliwi, co jest ostatecznym zabranie jak ktoś z zagranicznej perspektywy. Dla kogoś, kto nie jest filipiński, jest to najważniejsza rzecz, której możesz się nauczyć. Grupa Regus, Mark Dixon, HQ, GLOBALNY KONSUMENT FRAUD MARK DIXON - CEO GRUPY REGUS JEST NAJWIĘKSZYM ARKUSZEM SCAM NA CAŁYM ŚWIECIE różne wiarygodne źródła i byli klienci Regus, że GRUPA REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT jest objęta dochodzeniem karnym za oszustwa, kradzież funduszy klientów, niedostarczenie usług i fałszowanie dokumentów. Jeśli zastanowisz się nad skorzystaniem z usług biurowych THINK TWICE, zanim zaczniesz rozdzielać swoje pieniądze. Ci międzynarodowi oszustów wykonają WSZYSTKO, aby nie świadczyć usług po odebraniu płatności. Ponadto wydaje się, że grupa Regus wkrótce ogłosi bankructwo ze względu na fakt, że tysiące płatności od klientów zostały zebrane, ale klienci nie widzieli w zamian żadnych profesjonalnych usług. Ich ogólnoświatowa sieć wygląda na pierwszy rzut oka imponująco, jednak liczba wydruków w swoich umowach jest tak sprytnie napisana, że ​​nawet jeśli NIE dostarczają usług biurowych zgodnie z umową, klient zostaje zawieszony w powietrzu bez możliwości otrzymania jego pieniądze zwrócone. Administratorzy Regus ldquoin chargerdquo nagle otrzymują pomoc, aby rozwiązać wszelkie problemy, a klient jest ldquodragged przez floorrdquo przez miesiące z ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo, ale nie ma poprawy usługi. Anulowanie umów to po prostu ldquoignoredrdquo i zwraca się o zwroty z tytułu naruszenia umowy przez Grupę Regus również są ignorowane. Zamiast tego klient otrzymuje faktury za usługi, których nigdy nie zamówił ani nie podpisał. Lub faktury są wysyłane z grupy Regus, które są datowane na kilka miesięcy przed podpisaniem umowy o świadczenie usług. To jest jawne oszustwo i dlatego ta operacja oszustwa musi zostać natychmiast przerwana. NIE PŁACIĆ NINIEJSZYCH PIENIĘDZY, JEŚLI CHCESZ ZAPŁACISZ, ABY BYĆ NASTĘPNYM OFIAREM. WIĘKSZE PROFESJONALNE FIRMY WYKONUJĄ, ŻE KTÓRZY OFERUJĄ SWOJĄ SWOJE USŁUGI I ZAPEWNIAJĄ JEŚLI KIEDYKOLWIEK ZAKŁADAŁO Z REGUSEM I POCZUJESZ, ŻE JESTEŚ ZADOWOLONY, prosimy o kontakt z naszym Dziennikiem śledczym. GRUPA REGUS TO DZIAŁANIE 100 SCAM. - TUTAJ JEST TO, CO INNI KLIENCI I JEJ PRACOWNICY POWIEDZIE SIĘ O GRUPIE REGUSOWEJ Z DALA OD TYCH ARTYSTÓW OCHRONNYCH Mogę potwierdzić ważność poprzedniego posta, każde jedno słowo jest prawdziwe. Moja dzierżawa skończyła się 10312008, aw ostatnim tygodniu otrzymałem i wystawiłem fakturę od firmy Regus (Indianapolis, In.) Za 850,00, o ile nie było aukcji ani awarii, dlaczego otrzymywałem tę fakturę. Tylko jedna niezidentyfikowana kwota w dolarach. Kiedy zadzwoniłem do biura, porozmawiałem z osobą rozliczającą, która bardzo pomogła mi w zidentyfikowaniu pełnego podziału faktury. Po wspólnym wysiłku udało mi się zidentyfikować telefon, pocztę, pokryć opłaty ponad 3 miesięczną opłatę transkrypcyjną. W następnej skardze, dyrektor generalny zadzwonił do mnie dzisiaj i oczywiście przypomniał mi, że ta opłata przejściowa jest dobrze reprezentowana w mojej umowie, którą podpisałem 12 miesięcy temu. I oczywiście twierdzę, że w żadnym momencie nie rozmawiałem z kierownikiem biura przy początkowym sygnalizowaniu kontraktu lub rozmowach wyjazdowych, czy ta opłata przejściowa została mi przekazana, co uważam za nieuznanie za oszustwo i umieszcza Regusa w moim opinia jako SCAMMER. Mam zamiar realizować to i zakończyć i chcę, aby wszyscy wiedzieli, że Regus w moim przypadku błędnie przedstawił swoją umowę i usługę. Myślę, że ludzie z Regus rozmawiają ze sobą i wszyscy marudzą. Miałem biuro w Regus na Rt 128 w pobliżu Bostonu. Moja firma dużo za to zapłaciła, ale potrzebowałem miejsca do pracy z dala od dwójki małych dzieci pomiędzy podróżami sprzedażowymi. Przez słowo mouht znalazłem inne apartamenty Executive, Highland-March, w Westborough. Bardzo podobała mi się ta przestrzeń, a tamtejsi gracze bardzo dużo i było znacznie bliżej domu, więc w Regusie złożyłem 3-miesięczne powiadomienie. Zacząłem pracować z Highland-March od razu, z dnia na dzień. Personel był fantastyczny, a cena stanowiła prawie połowę tego, za co zapłacił Regus. Naprawdę pierwszorzędni ludzie. A więc tutaj haczyk: nie pojawiłem się w Regus przez około 5 tygodni, ale wciąż miałem 6 tygodni na zawarcie umowy, a moja firma wciąż płacił (oburzające) miesięczne opłaty. No cóż, idę do mojego biura, otwieram drzwi - a tam pracuje ktoś inny. Zabrali wszystkie moje rzeczy i umieścili je w pudłach w magazynie, i sprzedali mi moje biuro prosto spodem - a ja wciąż płaciłem za to, że nigdy więcej - nigdy więcej nie użyję Regusa. Nasza firma otworzyła nowe biuro w Nashville w stanie Tennessee i szukaliśmy małej powierzchni biurowej, aby pomieścić naszych dwóch pracowników. Przeprowadzając badania, natknęliśmy się na Grupę Regus, oferując pakiet all inclusive w jednym wygodnym miesięcznym rachunku. To był dla nas idealny plan. Rozpoczęliśmy współpracę z firmą Regus w październiku 2008 r., A już po miesiącu byliśmy bardzo rozczarowani. Zaczęliśmy dostrzegać opłaty za usługi, które były wyceniane znacznie powyżej średniej w regionie. Kontakt z dyrektorem generalnym w tym miejscu był prawie niemożliwy. Wysłano wiadomości e-mail i wykonano połączenia telefoniczne, które nie były zwracane przez kilka dni, kiedy istniała pilna potrzeba odpowiedzi. Po wielu rozczarowaniach postanowiliśmy zakończyć współpracę z firmą Regus i przejść do sektora prywatnego, w którym warunki były nieco lepsze, a rachunki były łatwiejsze w zarządzaniu. Otrzymaliśmy ostateczny rachunek od firmy Regus i zobaczyliśmy opłaty, na które nigdy nie zgodziliśmy się zapłacić. Firma Regus chciała pobrać od nas opłatę w wysokości prowizji za kontynuację, która, patrząc na TC, nic nie wskazywało na to, że zostaniemy obciążeni opłatą za coś podobnego. Nie mieliśmy żadnych skrupułów, by zapłacić opłatę za wyjście, ponieważ jest to standard, ale obciążono nas wygórowaną kwotą. Podczas gdy moglibyśmy zapłacić za usługę sprzątania gdzieś w wysokości 75,00 za sprzątanie biura, Regus obciążył nas ponad dwukrotnie większą ceną. Naprawdę poczuliśmy się zawiedzeni przez Regusa i już nigdy nie będziemy robić z nimi interesów, ani nikogo nie zgłaszamy do ich biur. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Czy ktoś wie, czy podpisujesz umowę z firmą Regus, a twoja firma zbankrutuje, czy mogą przyjść po ciebie osobiście? Uświadomię sobie, że wszelkie odpowiedzi powinny być zatwierdzone przez prawnika, itp. Ponownie odnowiłem moją umowę Regus 8 miesięcy temu po upływie 6 miesięcy umowy, to gospodarka doprowadziła mój biznes do duldrum. W lutym wydałem zawiadomienie, że zamierzam zwolnić i zwolnić w marcu. Zapłaciłem marcowy czynsz, ale wysłałem 2 tajnych klientów pod koniec marca. Nie pokazano im mojej przestrzeni. Jestem wyłącznym właścicielem, a umowa została podpisana w imieniu firmy i napisana w imieniu firmy. Na umowie nie ma ŻADNEJ osobistej gwarancji. Zaproponowałem im wykup 75, a oni powiedzieli "nie". Każdy, kto doświadczy czegoś podobnego do tego gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Przeprowadziliśmy się do centrali firmy Regus w Tulsa, OK, w listopadzie 2006. Cały czas wynajmowaliśmy nasze powierzchnie biurowe i wydawało się, że wymyślili misc. opłaty za wszelkiego rodzaju rzeczy. Kiedy się wyprowadziliśmy, zarzucili nam 2000 i nie mogli nam powiedzieć, za jakie wszystkie opłaty są zapłacone, a potem postawili spóźniony oskarżenie na nasz rachunek, podczas gdy oni zajęli się na zawsze badaniem naszych zarzutów. Jesteśmy tutaj, 5 miesięcy po przeprowadzce, i właśnie otrzymaliśmy KOLEJNĄ fakturę za przesyłkę i materiały z naszej opłaty za kontynuację działalności, o której nie wiedzieliśmy, kiedy podpisaliśmy umowę. Jest to opłata za przesłanie wiadomości e-mail (nie masz wyboru, cała otrzymana poczta jest wymieniona jako jeden pakiet, więc możesz przechwycić pocztę) nie tylko pobierają opłatę za przekazanie poczty, ale także obciążają Cię za przesyłki i materiały eksploatacyjne, których używają. Teraz płacimy 200 za 35 opłat pocztowych, ponieważ spłacili dwie opłaty za opóźnienie, po tym jak nie naliczyli nam rachunków na czas. Och, czy wspomniałem, że to jest 5 miesięcy później i nie otrzymaliśmy naszego depozytu od kiedy się wprowadziliśmy. NIGDY nie poleciłbym RegusHQ nikomu. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. TEN POST JEŚLI ZE ZATRUDNIENIA GRUPY REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT. JEŚLI NIE JEST TO DUŻE OSTRZEŻENIE DLA KLIENTA, KTÓREGO ZOSTAŁO ZATRZYMANY OD OPERATORÓW ODPADÓW, TO NIE WIEM, CO JESTEM IShellip Pracowałem dla Regusa i muszę przyznać, że niestety, to, co jest napisane powyżej, jest prawdą. Proszę wiedzieć, że wraz z postępującym procesem gospodarczym wzrasta presja na menedżerów, aby glosowali kluczowe obszary kontraktu, a następnie ukryli się za drobnym drukiem. Wcześniej menedżerowie mogli rozmawiać o tych opłatach. Większość tak, niektórzy nie. Wydaje mi się, że eksplozja reklamacji jest bezpośrednim wynikiem presji, którą teraz odczuwają, aby sprzedawać za wszelką cenę - klienci są zdenerwowani. Kiedy już będziesz się z tobą zgadzał, to jest stanowisko, które podejmie firma. Wyszedłem po latach z tą firmą, kiedy w końcu zmęczyłem się walką z takimi praktykami, tak jak wielu innych menedżerów w ciągu ostatnich 8-12 miesięcy. Niestety, wielu ludzi, którzy stawiają klientów na pierwszym miejscu, już nie ma. idź do karierowicza - nie mogą zatrudnić ludzi wystarczająco szybko, aby powstrzymać krwawienie. Uważam się za jednego ze szczęśliwców, którzy wyszli wystarczająco wcześnie, aby uciec przed nowymi inicjatywami, które poważnie ograniczają zachęty, zachęcają do konfliktów i słabego zarządzania klientami. Ta firma miała potencjał, by być świetnym, ale jest wpędzana w ziemię przez strach i chciwość. Jeśli chcesz podpisać umowę z budynkiem RegusHQ, przeczytaj dokładnie umowę i PYTAJ O KAŻDĄ OPŁACĘ POJEDYNCZĄ ORAZ KAŻDĄ TERMINOWOŚĆ NA ODNOWĘ. Z powyższego komentarza wynika raczej, że nie przejrzą go, a na pewno za to zapłacisz. HQ było kiedyś świetną firmą. Trudno się zorientować, co się stało. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Regus poprosił o prawie 3600 depozytu zabezpieczającego na 3-miesięczny kontrakt. Mark Green, niekompetentny menedżer w Penn Plaza 5 zapewniał mnie, że każdy grosz zostanie zwrócony. W połowie marca podniosłem standard mojego biura z pokoju o powierzchni 1200m2 do 2100miesięcy pokój. Podczas mojej aktualizacji Mark Green powiedział mi, że zrzeka się wszelkich opłat związanych z uaktualnieniem. Ku mojemu zaskoczeniu otrzymałem 2400 rachunków za marzec (spodziewałem się otrzymać 1650 rachunków, odkąd przeprowadziłem się w połowie marca). Zapytałem Marka Greena, co się stało. Powiedział mi, że nie był tego pewien, ale spędził dwie godziny w nocy, dostosowując mój rachunek, a potem zaczął się koszmar. Kiedy Mark Green nie był w stanie rozwiązać mojego rachunku w kwietniu (po powrocie z wieloma wymówkami, że nie miał czasu, aby przejrzeć rachunek), powiedziałem mu, że skoro moja umowa na 3 miesiące dobiegł końca 1 maja, przygotowany do odejścia, jeśli nie będzie mógł poradzić sobie z moim rachunkiem. Mark Green, sfrustrowany brakiem zrozumienia systemu bilingowego swojej firmy, przekazał swój obowiązek Cathy DeFrenza, kolejnemu menadżerowi, który nie rozumiał własnego systemu bilingowego firmy. Cathy zapewniła mnie, że jest gotowa rozwiązać mój rachunek tego samego dnia. Byłem bardzo szczęśliwy, słysząc to. Oczywiście Cathy zniknęła. Pełniła obowiązki przysięgłych przez ponad dwa tygodnie. Po skontaktowaniu się z Markiem Greenem, aby zapytać, co się stało, wielokrotnie mówiono mi, że Cathy zadzwoni do mnie. Cathy nigdy tego nie robiła. 1 czerwca Mark Green powiedział mi, że nie jest już odpowiedzialny za mój rachunek i że odpowiedzialność została podniesiona do głównej siedziby firmy Regus. Zadzwoniłem do głównej siedziby firmy Regus, a inny pracownik, który nie miał pojęcia, dlaczego Mark Green przekazał te informacje, odpowiedział na moje wezwanie. Poinformowała mnie, że zostałem obciążony 1000 opłatą za kontynuację działalności i że mój depozyt nie zostanie zwrócony, dopóki I039ve nie rozwiąże mojego konta. Nie było już nadziei. Nie miałem nikogo, z kim mógłbym porozmawiać o moim przeładowanym rachunku w marcu. Regus również zażądał mi 300 opłaty za zużycie i ubranie za biuro, z którego korzystałem przez trzy miesiące. Biuro było praktycznie zupełnie nowe, kiedy wyszedłem, więc oto moja rada: don039t idź do Regusa, jeśli chcesz uczciwego systemu fakturowania. Zauważyłem, że są o wiele lepsze biura z oknami (moje nie miały żadnego). Jeśli wpłacisz 3600 depozytu, wiedz, że prawdopodobnie otrzymasz 1000 z powrotem lub NIC NICZEGO. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Ja również to potwierdzam. Byłem głupcem i podpisałem z nimi dwie umowy. Pierwszy był za biuro za 600 miesięcznie. Nigdy nie zapłaciłem mniej niż 1200 za tę dzierżawę. Na koniec zostałem dotknięty 800 wirtualną kontynuacją. Wtedy naprawdę potrzebowałem biura z powodów, które nie mają znaczenia, więc podpisałem umowę na 3 miesiące za 205 miesięcznie za zasadniczo szafę na miotły. Okazało się, że umowa na 4 miesiące, ponieważ nie wlicza się do części miesięcy w ramach warunków i oczywiście nigdy nie zapłaciłem mniej niż 525 miesięcznie za tę dzierżawę. Musiałem przedłużyć go raz i oczywiście poszedłem na dodatkowe 4 miesiące zamiast trzech. Cóż, po 5 miesiącu przeniosłem się do bardziej tradycyjnego biura i uznałem, że I039d po prostu anuluje dodatkowe opłaty za telefon i Internet i po prostu zjada 205 opłat za resztę dzierżawy. Powiedzieli mi, że nie mogę anulować telefonu ani internetu i to było w moim kontakcie Byłem tak zdegustowany, że nawet nie spojrzałem na kontrakt ponownie, aby zobaczyć, jaki królik wyciągają z kapelusza (jak wirtualna kontynuacja). Zrobiłem z nimi piekło, a Irsquoll nigdy więcej z nimi nie współpracuje. OH Moja dzierżawa jest wypłacana za pomocą karty kredytowej. W zeszłym miesiącu (mój OSTATNI miesiąc w ich czasach, dzięki Bogu), moja karta kredytowa została odrzucona. Obciążono mnie opłatą za odrzuconą kartę kredytową. hahaha, czy słyszałeś o takich rzeczach? Ci ludzie mają trochę nerwów do powiedzenia. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Ja również to potwierdzam. Byłem głupcem i podpisałem z nimi dwie umowy. Pierwszy był za biuro za 600 miesięcznie. Nigdy nie zapłaciłem mniej niż 1200 za tę dzierżawę. Na koniec zostałem dotknięty 800 wirtualną kontynuacją. Wtedy naprawdę potrzebowałem biura z powodów, które nie mają znaczenia, więc podpisałem umowę na 3 miesiące za 205 miesięcznie za zasadniczo szafę na miotły. Okazało się, że umowa na 4 miesiące, ponieważ nie wlicza się do części miesięcy w ramach warunków i oczywiście nigdy nie zapłaciłem mniej niż 525 miesięcznie za tę dzierżawę. Musiałem przedłużyć go raz i oczywiście poszedłem na dodatkowe 4 miesiące zamiast trzech. Cóż, po 5 miesiącu przeniosłem się do bardziej tradycyjnego biura i uznałem, że I039d po prostu anuluje dodatkowe opłaty za telefon i internet i po prostu zjada 205 opłat za resztę dzierżawy. Powiedzieli mi, że nie mogę anulować telefonu ani internetu i to było w moim kontakcie Byłem tak zdegustowany, że nawet nie spojrzałem na kontrakt ponownie, aby zobaczyć, jaki królik wyciągają z kapelusza (jak wirtualna kontynuacja). Zrobiłem z nimi piekło, a Irsquoll nigdy więcej z nimi nie współpracuje. OH Moja dzierżawa jest wypłacana za pomocą karty kredytowej. W zeszłym miesiącu (mój OSTATNI miesiąc w ich czasach, dzięki Bogu), moja karta kredytowa została odrzucona. Obciążono mnie opłatą za odrzuconą kartę kredytową. hahaha, czy słyszałeś o takich rzeczach? Ci ludzie mają trochę nerwów do powiedzenia. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. HQ Global WorkplacesRegus Group Skargi ndash Oszustwo, kradzież pracowników Identity HQ Globalne miejsca pracy Oszustwa grupowe Regus, kradzież tożsamości przez pracowników Niedawno wróciłem z mojej misji wojskowej w Iraku jako jeden z tysięcy żołnierzy USA i jestem wdzięczny, że znów dołączam do rodziny, ale martwię się o tym, jak będę je wspierać. Pożyczyłem 1350 od ukochanej osoby, a następnie poszłam, aby dodać środki na moje konto bankowe. W ciągu kilku minut odkryłem, że firma HQ Global Workplaces pobrała moje konto 326,00. Kiedy zadzwoniłem do mojej firmy kartowej, aby zapytać i zakwestionować zarzuty, zasugerowali, że najpierw wezwę kupca. Kiedy zadzwoniłem do sprzedawcy (HQ Global Workplaces), poinformowali mnie, że obciążono moją kartę, ponieważ ktoś używający innej nazwy niż moja, zamówił jakiś rodzaj usługi wirtualnego biura. Odmówili zwrotu pieniędzy na moją kartę, mimo że powiedziałem im, że nie ja dokonałem transakcji. Zaproponowałem im dowód mojej tożsamości, a nawet zaproponowałem, że prześlę im kserokopię mojego id i karty kredytowej, aby pokazać, że nazwisko na mojej karcie nie jest nazwą, która została użyta do dokonania transakcji. Zaproponowałem im również, że właśnie wróciłem z wojska i nie mogłem dokonać transakcji. Niestety nie będę musiał spędzać więcej czasu i pieniędzy, zabierając ich do sądu, ale w międzyczasie wciąż jestem poza 1350 i mój czynsz jest należny. Klauzule wyłączające i ograniczające - Umowy handlowe ORAZ STRATEGIE NADUŻYCIA FINANSOWEGO W naszej aktualizacji handlowej z czerwca 2007 r. Zgłosiliśmy decyzję w sprawie Regus (UK) Ltd - v - Epcot Solutions Ltd 2007 EWHC 938 (Comm), w której klauzula wyłączająca w standardzie dostawca039 warunki zostały uznane za nieuzasadnione zgodnie z sekcją 3 ustawy o nieuczciwych warunkach umownych z 1977 r. (UCTA). Sąd doszedł do tego poglądu na tej podstawie, że klauzula ta pozostawiła klienta, firmę Epcot, bez faktycznego środka naprawczego z powodu naruszenia umowy. W niedawnym wyroku (2008 EWCA Civ 361), Sąd Apelacyjny utrzymał klauzulę i ważne jest, aby zrozumieć, dlaczego. Epcot, mały dostawca szkoleń IT, przez wiele lat wynajmował od Regus wysokiej jakości, obsługiwane biurowo pomieszczenia, ale związek ten był nękany wieloma problemami, w tym nieadekwatnością systemu klimatyzacji w lokalach, co ostatecznie doprowadziło do powstania Epcota. znaczne szkody. Firma Regus próbowała oprzeć się na klauzuli wyłączającej w standardowych warunkach, których odpowiednie części były następujące: W żadnych okolicznościach nie ponosimy żadnej odpowiedzialności za utratę działalności, utratę zysków, utratę przewidywanych oszczędności, utratę lub uszkodzenie dane, roszczenia osób trzecich lub jakiekolwiek straty wtórne. Klient był odpowiednio ubezpieczony. Będziemy odpowiedzialni. maksymalnie do 125% łącznych opłat uiszczanych zgodnie z umową. lub funta50 000 (w zależności od tego, która wartość jest wyższa), w odniesieniu do wszystkich innych strat, szkód, wydatków lub roszczeń. W Sądzie Apelacyjnym Rix LJ orzekł, że sędzia badawczy popełnił błąd co do zakresu klauzuli i dostępnych środków zaradczych Epcot. Rix LJ zwrócił uwagę, że oczywistą i podstawową miarą straty w przypadku wadliwej klimatyzacji jest zmniejszenie wartości świadczonych usług - tj. Różnica między wartością klimatyzowanych biur i nie klimatyzowanych biur. Chociaż pierwsza część klauzuli wyklucza niektóre głowy straty, w szczególności utratę zysków i straty wtórne, pozostawiła tę pierwotną miarę utraty nietkniętą. Twierdzono, że pierwsza część była nieuzasadniona, ponieważ działała w każdych okolicznościach, tj. Nawet w przypadku oszustwa lub celowych działań Regus. To była błędna konstrukcja. Odpowiedzialność za oszustwo lub złośliwość byłaby zawsze akceptowana, ponieważ strony umowy ze sobą w oczekiwaniu uczciwego handlu. Takie ekstremalne lub odległe możliwości nie powinny być głównym celem przy ocenie klauzul dotyczących racjonalności. Patrząc na czynniki racjonalności UCTA, Rix LJ zwrócił uwagę, że CEO Epcot039s był inteligentnym i doświadczonym biznesmenem, który dobrze znał standardowe warunki Regus039 i sam stosował podobne wykluczenie. Nie istniała żadna nierówność siły przetargowej, o czym świadczą negocjowane wzorce i oczywiste przekonanie Epcot o alternatywnych dostawcach. Jeśli chodzi o ubezpieczenie, Epcot mógłby znacznie łatwiej zabezpieczyć się przed stratami wymienionymi w pierwszej części. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, pierwsza część spełniała wymóg rozsądności, a liczby wyższe z 125 procent lub 50 000 funtów wyszczególnione w drugiej części zostały w rzeczywistości opisane jako hojne. Sędzia procesowy pierwotnie stwierdził, że pierwsza część klauzuli nie może zostać zerwana, a zatem cała sprawa zawiodła. Do czasu wniesienia apelacji uznano, że rozdzielność jest możliwa, co pozwala zachować drugą kończynę. Rix LJ zatwierdziła to podejście, mimo że klauzula nie została podzielona na odrębne podpunkty, ponieważ obie części były wyraźnie niezależne od siebie i służyły różnym celom (tj. Wyłączając odpowiedzialność, a drugą ograniczając). Każda osoba, której standardowe warunki zawierają ograniczenie tego typu, zostanie uspokojona przez stanowisko Sądu Apelacyjnego. Również prawnicy mogą wydobyć pewne wskazówki redakcyjne z wyroku. W szczególności klauzule powinny być podzielone na odrębne podpunkty, tam, gdzie to możliwe, z wyraźną numeracją w celu ich rozróżnienia i sporządzone w taki sposób, aby mogły być samodzielne, jeśli jedna część zostanie usunięta. Powinno to być poparte klauzulą ​​rozdzielności na płycie kotła. TO JEST TYLKO INNE OSTRZEŻENIE, BY ZOSTAĆ Z DALA OD REGUS ANDOR HQ MANAGEMENT GROUP. TEN KLIENCI AR CROOKS gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. GRUPA REGUS JEST NAJWIĘKSZĄ OPERACJĄ SCAMOWĄ. - TUTAJ SĄ WIĘCEJ FAKTY OD KLIENTÓW REGUS I PRACOWNIKÓW Z GRUPY REGUS OSTRZEŻENIE. ZATRZYMAJ SIĘ OD TYCH ARTYSTÓW SCAMA gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Skargę na biurowcu firmy Regus - Przynętę i przełącz się Wypożyczalnia biurowa firmy Regus Przynęta i przełącznik Przed podpisaniem mojej umowy z firmą Regus Mark Sinclair (dyrektor generalny) zapewniał mnie, że nie będzie żadnych dodatkowych opłat. Zostałem poinformowany przez konkurenta, że ​​Regus miał ukryte opłaty i nie jeździł z nimi podczas moich badań dotyczących znalezienia tymczasowej powierzchni biurowej. Mój kontrakt trwał 3 miesiące. W ostatnim tygodniu mojej umowy wysłałem pocztą e-mail i osobiście zapytałem kierownika ds. Operacji, Marybeth Catinella, czy musiałem podpisać, przejrzeć, przejść przez ostatni etap i wszystko inne przed moją ostatnią randką, aby nie otrzymywałem żadnych innych zarzutów. już zapłaciłem. Marybeth Catinella powiedziała, że ​​nie przejmuj się tym, wszystko jest w porządku i że powinienem otrzymać depozyt za 30 dni. 30 dnia otrzymam fakturę za 1032.50. Po dalszych badaniach dowiedziałem się, że umowa zawiera klauzulę BEZ OPINII BEZPŁATNEJ o kontynuowaniu konfiguracji biznesowej. Zapytałem Marka Sinclaira o opłatę, a on po prostu odpowiedział na e-mail. Właśnie otrzymałem od szefa wiadomość, że Regus nie może zrzec się opłat za ciągłość działalności, które są opisane w sekcji 23 warunków umowy o świadczenie usług. I039m właściciel małej firmy. Każdy dolar się liczy Otrzymałem PROMISE od General Manager zapewniając mnie, że nie będzie żadnej innej opłaty niż 600 miesięcznie i zapewniam mnie, że jego konkurent kłamał. Kiedy zapytałem Kierownika Operacji, czy muszę zrobić wszystko, aby zapewnić mój pełny depozyt bez żadnych innych opłat, oświadczyła, że ​​nie martwi się o to, wszystko jest w porządku. Powinienem zakończyć kontrakt, kiedy otrzymałem pierwszą fakturę z wyższą uzgodnioną opłatą w wysokości 600 ALE ponownie zostałem sprzedany przez Dyrektora Generalnego, Marka Sinclaira. Jestem bardzo zdenerwowany, że zostałem oszukany i nie przekazałem wszystkich informacji przez Dyrektora Generalnego i Kierownika Operacyjnego (Mark Sinclair i Marybeth Catinell). Chcę ostrzec innych o ukrytych opłatach Regus039 i przynęcie oraz zmienić taktykę sprzedaży. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Więcej klientów Komentarze na temat oszustw Techniki z Regus CEO Mark Dixon 141 dni temu przez Sara S 1 Głosy Regus to NAJWIĘKSZE zdzierstwo na świecie. Zaokrętowali nas tutaj, w Cupertino, na jeden rok członkostwa, a miejsce zaraz potem się zamknęło. Teraz zeskrobali nas z naszych pieniędzy i nie są wypłacane żadne zwroty. Jestem wściekły. NIE PŁACAJ CZASU, ABY UMIEŚCIĆ CENTRA BIZNESOWE. PLS ZACHOWUJ SWOJE PIENIĄDZE Z TYCH ZADAŃ. KAŻDY CHCE WZIĄĆ, ABY POZWALAŁEM MNIE WIEDZIEĆ. JESTEM WSZYSTKIM ZA TO 119 dni temu przez twinkle1000 1 Głosy Tak Całkowicie zgadzam się, że popełniam morderstwo z jednym w Wielkiej Brytanii w tej chwili, który dostarczył absolutną pozorną usługę i nic z tym nie zrobię, z ogromną szkodą dla mojego biznes. Uciekaj przed Regusem 69 dni temu przez IhateRegus 1 Głosy Zgadzam się na wszystko, co zostało stwierdzone Zostaliśmy trafieni przez te same oskarżenia, których nam nie znamy Są to oszustwa i coś musi być nielegalne w stosunku do tego, co robią. Zgadzam się, nie zbliżaj się do Regusa. 9 dni temu autor: Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. W branży działam od 10 lat, a zarejestrowanie się przez rok z Regusem okazało się największym błędem, jaki popełniłem. I039d chciałbym zgodzić się, że są one NAJWIĘKSZYMI zdzierstwem na świecie - proszę, przeczytajcie, a następnie przeczytajcie wszystko, co z nimi podpiszecie, a także są fikcją usługi. I039d zdecydowanie doradzam innym, aby nie popełnili błędu, który popełniłem, podpisując się z nimi. I tak, kocham ich pozwać. Mam też dobry przypadek. Czy ktoś ma adres e-mail Mark Dixons? On jest dyrektorem naczelnym tej absymalnej firmy. 9 dni temu autor: Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. W branży działam od 10 lat, a zarejestrowanie się przez rok z Regusem okazało się największym błędem, jaki popełniłem. I039d chciałbym zgodzić się, że są one NAJWIĘKSZYMI zdzierstwem na świecie - proszę, przeczytajcie, a następnie przeczytajcie wszystko, co z nimi podpiszecie, a także są fikcją usługi. I039d zdecydowanie doradzam innym, aby nie popełnili błędu, który popełniłem, podpisując się z nimi. I tak, kocham ich pozwać. Mam też dobry przypadek. Czy ktoś ma adres e-mail Mark Dixons? On jest dyrektorem naczelnym tej absymalnej firmy. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Regus Business Centers are Fraud Centers Posted: 2009-03-10 by Attorney I am an attorney on a tight budget with little time to deal with office-type issues, which is why I opted for the Regus Business Centers in Chicago. The ads are nice and show happy, content clients. What a lie From slowfreezing internetserver issues to poorly trained staff and nasty management, I would not wish this work environment on anyone. The situation only got worse when construction began in the building (bc the Merc left) and I requested Regus039 assistance in enforcing the building agreement that no drilling or loud pounding take place between 8am - 5pm. Such noise made it difficult to conduct phone conferences and for clients to visit. Regus039 solution: move to a new office in the Regus family. nevermind that March is the BUSIEST and most maddening month for my type of law practice. I don039t have time to move Today, while I informed Tara (30 S. Wacker manager) and Lynn (assistant manager) that I am extremely busy and do not have time to deal with the issue of moving offices due to the construction noise at the location, both nonetheless ndash and despite my request that they simply do their jobs and end the excessive noise - opted to lsquodrop byrsquo to further discuss. As I reiterated my need to leave the office to get work done (and was in the process of packing up to go work at home), the conversation grew heated and I asked Lynn to leave (as she was the one who misrepresented that the construction noise would end on Friday of last week). Lynn then informed me (in Tararsquos presence) that the office was ldquoher office, toordquo and refused to leave. If this is the case, then what have I been paying for. If I am not allowed a private (or even semi-private) space, then I do not think we are seeing eye-to-eye on the meaning of an office. I also did not appreciate Tararsquos snarky comments that she ldquodidnrsquot hear anythingrdquo while in the office and that ldquono other clients have complained. rdquo Note. that last one is a whopper (not at all true). When the building inspector and police stopped by last week, the noises were audible ndash as they were when I sent each e-mail to Tara and Lynn documenting the noise. I experienced all of 15 minutes of quiet in the office since 9:15 am today, and then later when the noise subsided after 11:00 am when Tara and Lynn, uninvited, interrupted my work. I am voicing dissatisfaction with the way construction noise complaints have been handled at this location and the general attitude and confrontational nature of the manager. I have made little progress speaking with persons from Regus on the phone lines and doubt I will make much progress until my lease is up in October. I would not recommend Regus to another attorney ndash not after today. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. 50 days ago by Lewis 0 Votes It has Regus written all over it. We have experienced real issues with this office provider the level of service for one is exceptionally poor. We039d recommend that you dispute the invoices because you too have expectations. 10 hours 21 minutes ago by HoustonEngineer12 0 Votes In addtion and to others considering using Regus beware, they are deceptive in that they do not completely disclose terms. In my case I had requested a flat 3 month term as I needed a temporary officemeeting room for 1 meeting. Their Agent, agreed that they could do this and that at my discretion, services could be expanded andor renewed. After 45 days passed, I contacted them to make sure they understood that my term was for 3 months and no longer. Their response was that accordding to the terms of the contract, I owed them a 60 day notice prior to termination or the contract automaticaly renewed. After re-reading the fine print of the contract I noticed that this was indeed, stated. I offered to pay an additional 30 days lease to satisfy the notice however they refused. Also stated in the contract was that upon renewel rates may change without notice. There are a number of consumer complaints and Regus is not an accredited (or very credible) company. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. REGUS COMPLAINTS bull Location: Phoenix. AZ. United States About Me A former (recently) 2year tenant of the PV Center in Phoenix. Months of issues with poor maintenance, no internet for days, poor staff response and amenities that did not work. Negotiated out of the contract early, however then to be charged 750Mo for phone transfers and answering I did not have while a tenant and mail forwarding that had already been transferred. To date - no mail has been forwarded and we have been out of the facvility for over two weeks. Instead of a 100station charge (we had two stations) - we were assessed 375 for moving out. Anyone have issues like this gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Post a Comment On: REGUS COMPLAINTS Others Who Have Been Bound By Contract 6 Comments - Show Original PostCollapse comments Anonymous said. We had the exact same problem. Regus referred us to paragraph 23 of the agreement in mice type. 100 per workstation for wear and tear and an additional 825 for a business continuation that we didnrsquot even use. Also, the deposit takes months to get back. We will never lease from Regus again. December 14, 2007 8:38 AM gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. kaistudios said. This is complaint about Los Angeles (RegusHQ) charged me extra services without consulting with me first to my card on file they wouldn039t refund my money on my request and even says that I need to keep the services for 3 months. They will try and sign you up for a long term contract which will bind you to their costly and ineffective service for what initially appears to be a discounted fee that will cost you greatly later. I never able to get in touch with a decent manager and its impossible to close the account once established. that was a big mistake to sign up with this guys and I lost lots of business because of them. Their system seem to be built on commissions to unsuccessful real estate agents so their is no interest in giving good service or long term relationship marketing but selling as high as possible. save yourself and go somewhere else. March 18, 2009 6:57 PM gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. March 31, 2009 8:02 AM gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Regus is crooked and dishonest and you should never sign with them. They sell you on the flexibility and in all in one package that will save you money. They use a terms and conditions she in microscopic print that contains things like an automatic renewal. Regus is dispicable and I suspect very soon they will face a class action lawsuit for their shady ways. The use low cost uneducated people to answer the phone that are far from professional. They will never follow up with you near renewal hoping you will miss the automatic renewal and be forced into a whole new term. NEVER, EVER use Regus. June 2, 2009 8:53 PM Anonymous said. I work for regus in Australia and it is June 9, 2009 3:04 AM It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients as well as ex-employees that the REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. The list of client and ex-employee complains is getting longer everyday. Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments. It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return. Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the ldquosmall printsrdquo in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left lsquohanging in the airrsquo without any possibility to receive his money refunded. The Regus managers ldquoin chargerdquo are suddenly ldquoun-availablerdquo to solve any problems and the client is ldquodragged over the floorrdquo for months with ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply ldquoignoredrdquo and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too. Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IF YOU DONrsquoT WISH TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM. THERE ARE FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL COMPANIES OUT THERE WHO WILL GLADLY OFFER YOU THEIR SERVICES AND THEY DO DELIVER IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt. Hundreds of (Ex) Employees of the corrupt Regus Group, owned by Mark Dixon report on fraudulent business techniques, lousy customer support and a horrible working environment. Our advice: RUN. Host What do you think -- is this company going to survive and thrive Are they looking to expand their staff, or do you think layoffs are inevitable How does RegusHQ stack up against the competition Reply - Report abuse Deisi T. in Dallas, Texas 27 months ago I agree. Regus HQ has a very toxic working environment. Very poor customer care and full of idiots. Not many people stay long, that039s why there are so many opening in this company. - Was this comment helpful Yes (18) No (2) Reply - Report abuse M. Dixon in Dallas, Texas 27 months ago Definitely not a company to waste your precious time - Was this comment helpful Yes (15) No (2) Reply - Report abuse M. Sorum in Dallas, Texas 27 months ago I agree This company is making a killing off their employee039s. If I had no other alternatives, I would rather work at a fast food place. AT least there you will get a little respect and a discounted or free lunch. - Was this comment helpful Yes (16) No (2) Reply - Report abuse Yankees in New York, New York 8 months ago Hard Worker in Dallas, Texas said: Don039t work for this company I have never seen a HR department so paralysed and disrepectful The management does not know how to treat employee. Regus HQ sucks True I thought it was just a NYC thing. But obviously it isn039t. To get ahead you have to be a backstabbing gossipy bitter hussy. - Was this comment helpful Yes (18) No (10) Reply - Report abuse The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon 5 months ago Hard Worker in Dallas, Texas said: Don039t work for this company I have never seen a HR department so paralysed and disrepectful The management does not know how to treat employee. Regus HQ sucks Do NOT work for this company. I am currently employed by this firm and it has been a huge dissappointment all around. The Area Director in our Region has not left her home in years and only visits the business centers to conduct quarterly audits. Lazy, ABRUPT WOMAN. The HR Department is serving to protect the COMPANY not the employees. Corporate are paper pushers those in the field in the business centers are the ones who actually work. If you are looking, LOOK ELSEWHERE. - Was this comment helpful Yes (21) No (3) Reply - Report abuse The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon 5 months ago Yankees in New York, New York said: True I thought it was just a NYC thing. But obviously it isn039t. To get ahead you have to be a backstabbing gossipy bitter hussy. The entire firm gossips. The Area Director in our Area Gossips to her General Managers about OTHER General Managers who of course share the Area Directors ABRUPT words amongst each other. Horrible Horrible atmosphere. If you work in this company, do the best you can in your business center until you can find another job. - Was this comment helpful Yes (20) No (2) Reply - Report abuse The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon 5 months ago Host said: What do you think -- is this company going to survive and thrive Are they looking to expand their staff, or do you think layoffs are inevitable How does RegusHQ stack up against the competition They are on the way to another financial disaster if they do not cut out the middle men, paper pushing, useless higher-ups. - Was this comment helpful Yes (18) No (3) Reply - Report abuse Olympia in Dallas, Texas 5 months ago Olympia in Dallas, Texas said: I was a recent victim of Regus HQ. I want to agree and confirm everything that Deis T. said about it being a toxic environment, and they are all paralysed and desrespect others. They are also an unstructured environment with no true training guidelines, and the HR Office is in Addison, so if a new employee makes one honest mistake and that employee knows it can be corrected, you won039t have enough time to report to HR that you were written up unjustifiably. Also, I was promised a complete and extensive training tool called brainsharks. Suddenly it was stopped because the center Operations Manager went on a leave of absence for one month. Then suddenly the GM didn039t have time to train me and I was suddently learning things by improv. Basically, they blamed me for not learning fast enough. Hello, I039d only been there for a couple of months and they were making this accusation. The managers also backstab, so don039t be chummy with them should you accept this challenge. However They don039t care if certain people learn differently also. It039s definitely not a great environment, especially if you have catty and selfish women working above you. If you decide to take on this challenge, just watch out for the managers and the receptionist in the building. The receptionist is just as bad. I also agree with Deisi T that the HR Dept is also paralysed and don039t treat people with respect. The last day that the operations manager said, We need to see you was the only day I ever met the HR Manager. During the meeting the HR Manager was coarse and disrespectful. I tried my best to explain that I was not trained correctly as I should have been during the absence of the Operations Manager, and naturally she took their side, so I quit on this day. If you are making a final decision on getting hired here, think twice. Basically, don039t work for Regus HQ Las Colinas. Kudos to you if you accept this challenge just don039t be friends with them. - Was this comment helpful Yes (13) No (1) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago Very toxic work environment I predict that they will be bankrupt in 3 years. If you are working for Regus and experiencing its oppression, believe in yourself and quit It039s NOT worth your health. You were created to be intelligent, fulfilling, and moral. I don039t know the leadership of this company, but I see its rotten fruit and it stinks to high heaven. There will be 1 of 2 responses to our posts: either the owners of Regus will get furious and seek further suppression or their eyes may be opened that they have a pandemic problem on their hand. - Was this comment helpful Yes (11) No (1) Reply - Report abuse regusintexas in houston, Texas 2 months ago BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas said: Very toxic work environment I predict that they will be bankrupt in 3 years. If you are working for Regus and experiencing its oppression, believe in yourself and quit It039s NOT worth your health. You were created to be intelligent, fulfilling, and moral. I don039t know the leadership of this company, but I see its rotten fruit and it stinks to high heaven. There will be 1 of 2 responses to our posts: either the owners of Regus will get furious and seek further suppression or their eyes may be opened that they have a pandemic problem on their hand. somebody sounds like they are a bit psycho on this site, it039s a place to vent and share your stories, but dude you have serious issues. putting a comment every five minutes is a bit much. I get on this site every now and then to keep in touch with what is going on with the company, not to listen to somebody rant the same message on every page. I think a valium is what you need. this company sucks..WE KNOW. but I don039t get obsessive about it, find some me time away from this place you need it. lol - Was this comment helpful Yes (1) No (17) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago I039m not sure if you have a particular agenda, but I wanted to be sure that every forum related to Regus has my comments. Anyway, it039s not really even about me. There039s a difference between a company sucking as you say and doing injustices that borderline illegal. If I appear overly dramatic, it039s because I039m just matching the company039s own outrageousness. Everyone has their own way of expressing their feelings. By the way, no thanks to the offer of valium. I prefer to be drug free. Anyway, I don039t even work for the company but my wife is going to be gone in less than 2 weeks. I doubt you work for the management of Regus, but I do get a little suspicious when people beat up on the victims. Maybe your experience has not been as extreme. So instead of calling someone psycho, you ought to question what is fostering so much animosity toward this company. - Was this comment helpful Yes (13) No (1) Reply - Report abuse appginger in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago maybe it039s not the company. Maybe someone needs to learn how to do their job the RIGHT way. Weather they let you go or made you leave on your own..GET OVER IT and move on NObody is abusing or beating up on anyone. - Was this comment helpful Yes (1) No (15) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago Nobody is abusing or beating up on anyone. To be able to make such a definite blanket statement, it039s obvious you work for Regus management. This is a prime of example of the abusive management who work for this company. - Was this comment helpful Yes (11) No (1) Reply - Report abuse appginger in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas said: Nobody is abusing or beating up on anyone. To be able to make such a definite blanket statement, it039s obvious you work for Regus management. This is a prime of example of the abusive management who work for this company. No. I don039t work for Regus Management but that is how you described it in your other posts. I will say that this company has always treated me with respect. - Was this comment helpful Yes (1) No (13) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago Sure, as if you would actually admit that you work for the management. Your blanket statement is really suspicious. Do you mean that the company has treated you with respect or your direct manager Perhaps you have a good manager, but it039s obvious that there are serious problems with this company. Do you really believe it039s coincidence that so many people are reporting this all over the country It means that it has bad practices and people are merely reporting their experiences. The company can try all it can to villanize the messenger, but people can still see the truth. Overloading an employee with unreasonable workloads and then demanding that they clock out AT 5:00pm and not beyond is an abusive practice. I believe it039s probably illegal. When an employee is willing to work beyond 5:00pm for a few days, then they are scolded for working over 40 hours. If you can039t see the dilemma here, then it039s obvious you have an agenda on this board. Or perhaps you work at a smaller office where such workloads are not so demanding. Decisions for hiring extra personel come from the higher management. So if the workload is unreasonable and no one else is being hired, it means that they are setting their employee up for failure. The only one could possibly defend such a ridiculous practice is the management. - Was this comment helpful Yes (13) No (1) Reply - Report abuse appginger in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago It039s not so much the management that overload you with work it039s the clients. If something has to be done and 5 comes around and your not finished you can stay and finish for the client. There will be no problem as long as the time is accounted for and charged back to the client for the overtime that was worked. I do work for the company but I039m certainly not management. I do beleive the company has issues but if you don039t work for the company how do you really know what going on in that office I mean all you know is what your wife tells you and of course you039re going to take her side she is your wife and I would do the same but I039m just saying no one is perfect so how do you know she is doing nothing wrong, not making mistakes or not working efficiently enough to get stuff done in a timely manner. I039ve been scold at before for making mistakes but I learn from them. - Was this comment helpful Yes (1) No (14) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago It039s the management that does the hiring So if there is too much work from the clients and no one wants to hire additional employees, then that039s the company039s fault. Understand I think you039re smart enough to get that. Instead, they want to work their employees like slaves. Example of the stupidity: the management removed a Please pickup dishes sign. All they have to do is put it in the dishwasher. The effort of doing that versus the sink is no different. But we don039t live in an age of common sense or reason. So now my wife has to spend 20 minutes each day doing the dishes. That would be completely fine if you weren039t swamped with work. As for making mistakes, ambiguous discipline forms that say on several occasions and on various incidents are pathetic. She was written up supposedly for a client complaint. Well, the same client gave her his business card to keep in touch and apparently, they completely twisted what he said. It039s this type of immature, passive aggressive management that is running the company into the ground. - Was this comment helpful Yes (11) No (2) Reply - Report abuse PK L in New York, New York 2 months ago BryanOllet. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS It looks like we have SEVERAL Regus nimwits stalking the forums. as usual, I039m not surprised. Please continue to post, as this is helpful for future potential employees. Hopefully the desperate individuals that are taking low blows at you wise up. - Was this comment helpful Yes (13) No (2) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago My wife and I finally figured it out The company is abusing its employees in order to force them to quit. Oh wait, let me say it in a more politically correct corporate way: Market conditions demand more productivity from existing workforce. Any employees who leave do not pose a risk and may enhanve corporate profit as new employees are paid less. If you want to be a slave, the Regus Group is a great company If you want to be micromanaged every second of the day, it039s a great opportunity. If you are a good employee, they allow several bathroom breaks even (2 total). LOL. and if you039re fortunate enough, you will not be blamed when the phone system malfunctions. It039s interesting how when a manager makes a certain mistake, you NEVER hear anything else about. But if you do, oh, hell and heaven will fall upon you. Twice I did right, That I heard never, Once I did wrong, That I heard ever The Regus Group is having record profit years, but it039s coming at a major cost. OH yeah everyone, the Regus Group is making RECORD profits if you look at their public financial statements. Good thing that they are cutting your bonuses. - Was this comment helpful Yes (10) No (3) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago The Regus Group Financial Standing While they cut back on your pay and paralyze raises. check this out regusaboutusfinancialdefault. htm Revenues up by 24.9. Gross profit up by 21.4 2009 Profit after tax 114.9 million 2008 Profit after tax 103.6 million If your pay is being reduced, rest assured that the money is going to good use. The Regus owners and executives really appreciate it. - Was this comment helpful Yes (10) No (2) Reply - Report abuse Bill Anderson in Florida in Miami, Florida 2 months ago Bryan, I KNOW exactly who you are. You left the Miami branch 5 years ago because you are disgruntled and couldn039t perform your job. The Regus Group is a fine organization. For goodness sake, you039re not even married Your fiance left you because your039re a total jerk You need to get over your psycho issues. You039re not even in Dallas. You live in Missouri but I won039t say much more. If you push more though, I039ll post your personal information. - Was this comment helpful Yes (2) No (15) Reply - Report abuse truthfully in Austin, Texas 2 months ago Okay, I was sent the link on this site and frankly I039m not surprised but want to let Bill in Miami know. THIS PERSON. NOT from Miami. is another disgruntled Bryan IN TEXAS and yep he has a wife. Those at fault scream the loudest it seems. Bryan can vent and post all he wants, but incompetence is very easy to explain. If a pattern occurs, it039s probably the truth..employers consistently opress, abuse, mistreat, micromanage, overwork your wife hmmmm might want to reconsider where the fault lies describe work your butt off. you should work with her. 1. CLIENTS LOVE HER, ya think. take a poll and ask around yourself. 2. Overworked: you didn039t list anything that showed this woman was overworked. do you or she know what real work is, I039d like to see an actual list of unreasonable work loads. you need to actaully perform more than four tasks a day sounds like a REAL case for being illegal LOL. READ the job description. lack of motivation perhaps 3. Passive Aggressive. wow, overly used term..was this your father you are describing 4. She is leaving the company..why do you care so much. scared her money will leave you poor. you are on this post 247. If you were as intense in actually working as you are in blogging on this site and providing public information everyone already has, you might actually make some money. It039s actually a real concept most people learn in college: Hire employees, make them actually WORK, and then lo and behold. MAKE A PROFIT. scary huh Cut back on pay. what on earth are you talking about Nothing worse than someone venting about information that is not valid. kind of comical. - Was this comment helpful Yes (3) No (16) Reply - Report abuse BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas 2 months ago LOL This is totally hilarious. Obviously this is some MANAGER who is making such definite statements about a situation that he knows absolutely NOTHING about. This is a perfect example of how conclusions are irresponsibly tossed around. This is precisely why my wife quit. BINGO Did everyone take note of the passive aggressive comment was this your father you are describing This would anger 99 of the people, but this is a classic manipulation attempt by the passive aggressive personality. This is the way these people think. Notice the other comment scared about being poor This is irrational fear mongering to make the employee feel that they have no choice. Who says I039m not already very poor ha It039s a lie that the world teaches us that life is only about money. Life is actually about the relationships you make with people and the contribution you make to their lives. One of my wife039s managers was totally awesome. Life will reward her. This other comment about polling the office if people like her. Does everyone see the insecurity that this is trying to engender Passive aggressive people LOVE office gossip. Oh, I just LOVE your comment about educating me on making a profit. Belittling and condescending comments are also classic tactics. If you don039t understand passive aggressiveness, google it. You039ll understand more. In conclusion, you can either empower people to feel good about themselves or you can try to take away their power. People always reap what they sow. When you sow maliciousness, life has an interesting way of having it come back upon your head. Truthfully in Austin, wherever you really manage your office, just stop and think about how you are thinking. You know, it won039t actually harm your health to respect your employees. Only an ignorant person would make comments about a situation they know nothing about. But if you run your office like you sound on here, may God help them all. - Was this comment helpful Yes (11) No (4) Reply - Report abuse SouthernGirl in The South, Texas 2 months ago Truthfully and Bill Anderson - you are both idiots. This is a job forum and if Bryan Ollet and New York want to talk about what is occurring inside the workplace they can. Regus had made significant changes in its structure. My opinion is that the changes are HUGE MISTAKES and many employees are disgruntled - and have a right to pos Hotdog hero hits hard times Regus chief executive Mark Dixon faces an uncertain future as the US arm of his company files for bankcruptcy, writes Mark Tran Mark Dixon, chief executive of Regus, put his finger on the problem that has bedevilled his office rental company since boom turned to bust in the US. The reason we are trading poorly, he said, is largely a result of us having too much space and at too high a rent on the west coast of America, where the market has been affected very badly by the technology slump. Only three years ago, Mr Dixon - who left school at 16 and once sold hotdogs - was singing the praises of the US, saying it was a wonderful place to do business. But that was before the hi-tech bubble burst, pushing the worlds largest economy into recession. The downturn left the US market with a glut of office space and threatens to force to Mr Dixon to hang up a for-sale sign. But Mr Dixon insists that he is not bailing out of the US. The operations are to be restructured, not scrapped, and no wholesale closures are planned. The odds are against him. Filing for bankruptcy in the US is the latest twist of the knife for Regus. Last month it sold a majority stake in its only profitable business to a venture capitalist. Alchemy Partners agreed to pay pound51-57m for 58 of Reguss UK division, depending on performance. At the time, Mr Dixon, who holds a 64 stake in the company, admitted that he was selling off the crown jewels. Now other venture capitalist firms are circling. The US venture capital firm, Indigo Capital, has said it was considering a bid, although it is under scrutiny from the financial services authority (FSA) for possibly issuing misleading statements over its shareholding. Should Regus be swallowed up by someone else, it will mean a huge setback for Mr Dixon, who hit upon the idea of providing office space with all the trimmings - from photocopiers to toilets - for businesses. Mr Dixon hit upon the idea during a trip to Brussels when he noticed the large number of international business people working from their hotel rooms. He decided to introduce the American business centre concept to Europe to take advantage of a shift in working patterns, with companies requiring flexible office space and services. His first office rental overlooked Brussels Stephanie Square, in 1989. Regus was actually founded in the UK by John Wheeler, who had the same idea as Mr Dixon. Mr Dixon approached Mr Wheeler and suggested joining forces. Then Reguss Swedish backers, Reinhold, collapsed. Mr Dixon bought Regus from the receivers, with the help of pound800, 000 from the sale of his Dial-A-Snack business. Regus became one of the worlds fastest growing companies, expanding into the US and Asia, and employing almost 3, 000 people. It provided fully equipped offices equipped with high speed internet access and high-quality furniture. The worlds biggest company of its kind, Regus boasted a global network of over 420 full-service business centres with 92, 000 workspaces in 51 countries, located in modern and prestigious buildings. The accolades followed. In 1999, Mr Dixon was named Ernst Young entrepreneur of the year, while the Sun complimented him on being a top geezer and a hotdog hero. The expansion into the US proved to be Reguss undoing. At first business took off. It then fell off a cliff when the US economy went into reverse. Regus made the classic mistake of jumping into a hot market just as it was about to go cold. Floated on the London stock exchange and Nasdaq in the US in 2000 at a value of pound1.5bn, Regus shares peaked at 392p during the hi-tech boom. Now Regus shares fetch about 21p, giving the company a market value of just pound126m - and shares have actually gone up this year because of takeover speculation. Should Regus be bought up or go bust, Mr Dixon, who is only 43, can be expected to be looking around for other business opportunities. Three years ago, Mr Dixon claimed he would start over again if he went bankrupt. Definitely, I wouldnt hesitate - I wouldnt miss a day, he said in an interview. That day might come round sooner than he had anticipated. copy Guardian News Media . Mark Dixon: the Briton who wants to build a new Google Mark Dixon, chief executive of Regus, made his fortune supplying serviced offices and he has his sights set on creating a world-leading company. By Andrew Cave Published: 9:00PM BST 25 Apr 2009 What does a man do when he has lost half a billion pounds, been trashed by the City and gone through an expensive, high-profile divorce For Essex burger-flipper turned Monaco-based tycoon and tax exile Mark Dixon, simply rehabilitating Regus ndash the outsourced offices provider whose US business crashed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection during the dotcom bust ndash wouldnt be enough. Neither would taking the group into the FTSE 100 index ndash a task that would need it to roughly double its pound700m market capitalisation. What Mr Dixon, the son of an engineer and owner of 40pc of the company, really wants is to build the next Google or Microsoft. Is he serious You bet. Whatever I achieve, I get a second of light when I achieve it, but then I want to get on and do the next thing, he said. Regus at some point in the future will be an important global business. I want the business to be accepted and for people to talk about it like they talk about Google and Microsoft: companies that provide tools that they can use. Thats what we want: for our customers to say: Yes. I really get value from that. This inveterate need to prove himself is what led Mr Dixon, 49, to leave school at 16, starting Dial-a-Snack to make sandwiches which he delivered on a butchers bike. The business was not a success ndash Customers loved it but no one told me you had to make a margin ndash and he ended up travelling the world, paying his way by working in restaurants and selling encyclopaedias. On his return, he invested pound600 in a burger van and began selling hot dogs, buying seven other vans in Essex before ploughing his pound10, 000 savings into setting up The Bread Roll Company, which he sold in 1988 for pound800, 000. He moved to Brussels and had a flat-rental firm before he spotted businessmen holding meetings around coffee tables in hotels, saw the potential for providing desks for executives on the move and set up Regus in 1989. When he floated the business in October 2000, it was valued at pound1.5bn. Six months later, it was worth pound2bn and Mr Dixons 60pc stake at the time made him a billionaire. Now hes tending to his ninth business, the Chateau de Berne vineyard in Provence, which he bought a couple of years ago. I enjoy what I do and my businesses are also my hobby, he said. Wine is my weekend job. Im one of the leading producers of Cote de Provence rose. We produce about 600, 000 bottles of wine, mostly roseacute ndash the stuff you drink when youre sitting on the beach. I also do about 35 tonnes of olive oil a year. Does he really still need to prove himself, seven years after the Chapter 11 filing and the sale of a majority stake in Reguss British operations to venture capital firm Alchemy Partners Of course I do. Not to the City, though. I am driven more personally. I am not worried by what people think. Regus suffered in the last economic downturn because its easy terms for flexible short-term office or desk rental were highly attractive to dotcom entrepreneurs, who fled en masse when the boom turned to bust. Mr Dixon said the company had also over-expanded in the US and calls the Chapter 11 episode a near-death experience. In the UK, the shares, floated at 260p, hit a low of 3frac12p, valuing Mr Dixons stake at less than pound80m. However, within a year Regus was able to buy HQ Global, its American rival, for pound164m. Regus now has full control of its UK business and increased group pre-tax profits by 25pc to pound149m last year. It now has cash of more than pound200m and no debt, 171, 277 desks at 1, 000 office centres and gets 40pc of its revenues from the US. Last year it redomiciled for tax reasons and is now incorporated in Jersey and resident in Luxembourg. Now more storm clouds are gathering, with dire conditions in the commercial property market and spiralling levels of business failures, but Mr Dixon claims to have reinvented Reguss business model to make the company more recession-resilient. He says 65pc of Reguss offices are leased through partnership profit-sharing deals with property owners, which give less exposure to long leases and empty properties. BusinessWorld, a members club launched last summer that Mr Dixon describes as offering Oyster cards for offices, has signed up 200, 000 members who pay monthly subscriptions in return for desk-days at Reguss sites. Average occupancy of Reguss office space increased slightly to 82.9pc last year. Were not in the risk-taking business. Were an operator, Mr Dixon said. Weve got a brave new world of products that are really touching a nerve with the business world now, based on the ability to cut a businesss costs. You could be someone made redundant in the City. You dont want to sit at home in Essex. You buy one of these cards, pop up to London and youve got a place to sit. Or you could be a very large corporate thats looking to take out costs. Regus also offers a deal that gives unlimited access to business lounges providing free wi-fi internet connections and tea and coffee for pound17 a month. Theyre like airport lounges, said Mr Dixon. Youre not allowed to sit there and camp out. Its there for occasional use. These are great recession products. This time, were prepared. Were not going to be so badly affected. Last time, we were an immature business. The business had doubled in size every year for the previous 10 years so the average age of the centres was under two years. Now the average age of our centres is nine years. Were starting from a very strong base and trying to hold it. The next two or three years is going to be all about value. Its the Ryanair and easyJet world. Youve got to be focused on the cost for your customers. Mr Dixon doesnt underestimate the severity of the challenge ahead. Ive been in business for 34 years and never seen anything like this, he said. But our relationship with landlords is symbiotic. If there were to be a problem I believe people would work together. Its not a time for conflict. We have 400, 000 customers. Its taken us 20 years to get that but weve got the best distribution that landlords can possibly touch, and were in 75 countries and will add 10 more this year. Were just opening up in Honduras, Paraguay, Senegal and Mauritius. The tough times, including his pound28.7m divorce settlement in 2005 with ex-wife Trudy, the mother of two of his five children, clearly still hurt deeply. Going through the reconstruction, the humiliation and the damage to value and everything else, I class that as a rite of passage, he said. Its difficult at the time but you get on with it. I didnt spend time sitting crying into my soup. You just work a lot more hours in the day. You dont have time to worry about what everyone is saying. My rite of passage has made me into a better business person. Im more rounded and Ive aged a bit. Im a lot more mature. Im a completely different person from last time around. I take a lot less risk. But weve not only got to fight the recession, weve got to get rehabilitated. Weve vowed to leave the emergency ward and not go back. If you disappoint the market badly, as we did, it takes years and years to recover. Were doing it. Well be in the doghouse for as long as it takes. MARK DIXON CV Family: Divorced with four daughters and one son Houses: Connecticut, Provence, Monaco Interests: Sailing, wine-making, tennis and collecting old trucks On burgers: I still occasionally meet people who bought hot dogs from me. Its a great business but you work all night and smell of onions all day. On tax: I pay some tax here. Im only in the UK 45 to 60 days a year. I spend my life on a plane. On films: My favourite is The Godfather - its all about honour and business, although its not the sort of business we do. On Cars: I drive a Range Rover but I dont really do cars. I do old trucks. I have a 1971 Toyota and an old Citroen. On reading matter: Youll laugh but Im reading The Great Crash by JK Galbraith and a book about Julius Caesar. I also love Private Eye and no, I dont think Ive ever been in it. classcuttext. . Regus chiefs waive their pay as losses spiral By Susie Mesure Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Both men have worked for free since August and will continue to do so until the end of the year. Mr Dixon was being paid pound400, 000 a year while Mr Stamp earned pound160, 000. The move accompanied redundancies for a quarter of Reguss staff and an across-the-board pay cut of 40 per cent, helping to slash pound60m from the companys cost base. Shares in Regus soared 87 per cent to 36p, buoyed by signs that the groups strategy shift to longer-term contracts was working. Mr Dixon, who owns 60 per cent of Reguss share capital, bought a further one million shares at 30p each. His share holding is worth pound121m, down from more than pound1.3bn earlier this year. Mr Dixon said the cost-cutting action, prompted by a catastrophic profits warning in July following a downturn in Reguss business, should mean the company is cash-flow positive by next year. We are guardedly optimistic about the future, he said. Regus cut 800 jobs in the last three months, including 287 in Britain, and halted its new centres opening programme. It has reduced monthly cash expenditure from about pound12m a month through to September to a forecast of pound1.2m by December. Analysts remained cautious about the groups ability to increase its cashflow next year after it discounted fees to win back tenants. Businesses can rent a Regus workspace for as little as pound8 a day in the provinces and pound19 a day in London. While Regus said that its order book had reached a record level in September, fears remain about how well the business will fare in increasingly difficult economic conditions. Demand for Reguss US workstations has plummeted. Regus reported a pre-tax loss of pound11m for the three months to 30 September, compared with a profit of pound4.9m a year earlier. The company took an exceptional charge of pound87m, mostly in relation to its efforts to cut overheads. . Regus Shares Drop and Investors Reject Pay Package By Ceri Jones sdot May 21, 2009 sdot Shares in the UKrsquos largest serviced office operator Regus Plc have fallen by over 10 per cent. The drop of 9p per share has come despite the company seeing a year-on-year increase in turn over during the past four months. CEO Mark Dixon has reportedly blamed the drop in value of the pound for the slow up in revenue. After being offered an executive pay package, a third of the companyrsquos independent shareholders voted against the package for the second time in two years at the grouprsquos annual meeting. Ahead of the vote the Association of British Insurers expressed concerns regarding the companyrsquos corporate governance after Regus chose to ignore the companyrsquos share underperformance and allot 1.6m shares to Mark Dixon, who owns over 37 of the company, in line with the grouprsquos performance bonus plan. MARK DIXON AND THE REGUS GROUP - A SINKING SHIP. MAKE SURE THEY DONT GO DOWN WITH YOUR MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS. Regus chiefs waive their pay as losses spiral By Susie Mesure Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Both men have worked for free since August and will continue to do so until the end of the year. Mr Dixon was being paid pound400, 000 a year while Mr Stamp earned pound160, 000. The move accompanied redundancies for a quarter of Reguss staff and an across-the-board pay cut of 40 per cent, helping to slash pound60m from the companys cost base. Shares in Regus soared 87 per cent to 36p, buoyed by signs that the groups strategy shift to longer-term contracts was working. Mr Dixon, who owns 60 per cent of Reguss share capital, bought a further one million shares at 30p each. His share holding is worth pound121m, down from more than pound1.3bn earlier this year. Mr Dixon said the cost-cutting action, prompted by a catastrophic profits warning in July following a downturn in Reguss business, should mean the company is cash-flow positive by next year. We are guardedly optimistic about the future, he said. Regus cut 800 jobs in the last three months, including 287 in Britain, and halted its new centres opening programme. It has reduced monthly cash expenditure from about pound12m a month through to September to a forecast of pound1.2m by December. Analysts remained cautious about the groups ability to increase its cashflow next year after it discounted fees to win back tenants. Businesses can rent a Regus workspace for as little as pound8 a day in the provinces and pound19 a day in London. While Regus said that its order book had reached a record level in September, fears remain about how well the business will fare in increasingly difficult economic conditions. Demand for Reguss US workstations has plummeted. Regus reported a pre-tax loss of pound11m for the three months to 30 September, compared with a profit of pound4.9m a year earlier. The company took an exceptional charge of pound87m, mostly in relation to its efforts to cut overheads. . Regus Shares Drop and Investors Reject Pay Package By Ceri Jones sdot May 21, 2009 sdot Shares in the UKrsquos largest serviced office operator Regus Plc have fallen by over 10 per cent. The drop of 9p per share has come despite the company seeing a year-on-year increase in turn over during the past four months. CEO Mark Dixon has reportedly blamed the drop in value of the pound for the slow up in revenue. After being offered an executive pay package, a third of the companyrsquos independent shareholders voted against the package for the second time in two years at the grouprsquos annual meeting. Ahead of the vote the Association of British Insurers expressed concerns regarding the companyrsquos corporate governance after Regus chose to ignore the companyrsquos share underperformance and allot 1.6m shares to Mark Dixon, who owns over 37 of the company, in line with the grouprsquos performance bonus plan. MARK DIXON AND THE REGUS GROUP - A SINKING SHIP. MAKE SURE THEY DONT GO DOWN WITH YOUR MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. . 71 days ago by anonymous 0 Votes Highly agree. All around they are too expensive and the fees are ridiculous. I would never recommend there service to anyone in any location. Regus published wrong address on several buildings. during a USPS software and hardware upgrade, we noticed mail being returned with what we knew to be the proper address. Later we learned that the post office had advised the regus group in irvinemant times about using the proper address. they have since changed the address BUT wont pay a dime to anyone most are unaware and absorbed the cost to cure BECAUSE regus told the clients the post office was in error. i found it and was terminated regus loses mail regus is awful to deal with regus doesnt care about client service regus told OUR clients we werent there, didnt have a real office etc regus told OUR clients they had th wrong number Egregious Regus Unofficial Site 1000 locations. 450 cities. 75 countries. One call. NO SERVICE. Regus Group and HQ Global Workplaces provide office space, virtual offices, meeting rooms, mailing addresses, receptionist and other services etc. The concept is to work smarter perhaps at a reduced cost. But at what real cost Here is the problem. Regus terminated my agreement after several years with them. The area director, Michelle Prentiss, had promised to provide better service and stepped into assist with some issues at the center and unfortunately there was no resolution. After paying for about half of my expenses related to Regus improperly publishing and issuing the innacurate address, they terminated the agreement thus leaving me to front the cost of changing my address again on everything just 8 months later Regus has a high turn over rate at the front desk If you enjoy: Mail being returned due to improper address used by Regus (prior 4.08) New hires constantly andor temp personel New hirestemps sending calls to the wrong extension Being over billed for long distance you never had (we have years of this) Clients turned away because their money order wasnt in an envelope Mail forwarding not done for 3 weeks Front desk telling your clients you really arent real as you have no real office Front desk telling clients that Regus is just an answering service and we do not have an office there Personal calls going to other clients within the building Front desk confusing your phone number with another number and telling your clients you are no longer there and they have the wrong number and then do nothing for you. No apology. nothing Publishing the wrong address and having you pay for the changes on your letterheard, business cards, brochures, etc. then you will love Regus. Retaliation You decide. I had been experiencing mail issues for over a year. The post office blamed Regus for not publishing and sharing the proper address with their tenants. I alerted the Regus local manager about the mail problem and was ignored. I was labeled a problem and could not understand why. I discovered that Regus liked to use a more impressive address and mail wasnt always an issue until the post office upgraded hardware and software randomly throughout the country. More to come. Regus - HQ I have to fund the reprinting of all cards, brochures, contracts etc. If Regus does not perform and you prefer they do, they may terminate your agreement The time spent with all the new people was costly. I lost two clients due to Regus unprofessional handling of my front office. 5.12.09 - lost another client because Josalyn Ramirez instructed the front desk to tell our clients we were no longer there and have the wrong number Watch out for this General Manager if you are leasing in at 8001 Irvine Center Drive. When I notified Josalyn of the error she would not respond although at the center. Josalyn had confused numbers and even after alerting her of the error, she continued to harm our firm. It has been repeated issues like this that has been the catalyst for this site. If not for Marion, we would have lost more clients. Concerns Regus claims to reserve the right to change the house rules whenever they like. Strzec się. I am now fighting for costs to change all marketing material, cards, letterhead, brochures etc. Why, because Regus published it inaccurately and kept the address issue confidential for about 5 years and allowed many of us to suffer while trying to find our checks and mail. Did you recently have to change your address Regus sent a memo the end of 2007 and blamed the post office for an address update. Fact is, I discovered that Regus in Irvine, CA had been told for years that they had been using the wrong address. I personally feel that Regus is responsible for all expenses incurred by each client at 8001 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92618. Regus is also responsible for any issues that occurred as a result of the address being published inaccurately. Any mail returned leading to a default judgment, client loss, etc. Do share holders know that several buildings involving potentially hundreds of people could lay claim to reimbursement I am now fighting to take the local number I was assigned and has my name in the phone directory. Be aware that Regus wll hold you hostage. I can not get a copy of my contract or agreement. I have asked 11 times since the summer. They fax me someone elses agreement. REGUS 8001 Irvine Center Drive 4.21.09 NO PHONES ANSWERED Dial 949.754.4000 There is a recording. Happens often. Regus Reply - We were having some technical difficulties with our phone system, but they are fixed now. Thank you for alerting us to this. This has been occurring as long as i been there. I had calls sent to other tenants. This was common enough even though I had instructions on where to send calls. New people are not always as careful or care. They are temporary Want to use the conference room Think again. I quit having conferences as the turn over is great and the new hires do not know how to set up connectivity. Do not worry about negotiating special pricing. Since house rules change, Regus changed all of my special conference pricing. This isnt the image you want for your company. I was promised for a long time that things would change. If you ask for service you may be terminated. Obviously I learned alot and feel the need to share. Regus cost me money, a few clients and the image is not professional. You look virtual classcuttext. One of the first victims from India-I searched for REGUS but was unlucky that time that I couldnrsquot find reviews. Unbiased opinion-Reasons for availing REGUS. An experience felt personally on heart. 1. Have a ldquoDelhirdquo presence in order to get leads. 2. Let my clients sit in good interiors stimulated working environment. 3. Find an office nearest to Faridabad, NOIDA, Gurgaon and Delhi 4. Best parking for clients and my cars. I had seen other too. The quality of office space courtesy was much better than that of REGUS, but since it was away from my place I preferred REGUS despite awful parking demanding money for extra own parking, leave apart clients. It was very uncomfortable thinking that my clients will pay money to park their cars. 1. The marketing manager gave me a acceptable offer for Virtual Office which was an address, a dedicated phone number with call forwarding. The terms of contract was well written, thought they made error in it 2 times. They gave us 5-6 days to decide which were less since we had to come from a long distance from Faridabad to check other offers. 2. We clearly asked them whether there were any hidden charges which the marketing manager clearly denied and assured us that it will be a very happy venture availing REGUS. 3. We paid them 2 months advance and some more money not agreed to in the initial contract. A call came from my bank whether it is a genuine or fraudulent money transfer I said it is genuine. Thereafter I have been paying them regularly in the best of my obligation by couriering the check on 18 the invoice date. 4. Next comes the role of service coordinator. The table turned upside down and I felt a silent slap when he started asking for petty extra charges like a cheap dalla for email, phone calls, etc. This was never mentioned in the contract. 5. After about a month, I came to know that instead of proper professional, just a management trainee is handling the calls. I asked them whether I can forward the calls from my mobile. She said yes. Later on the service coordinator refused the forward and started asking for extra charges. This was never mentioned in the contract. 6. Asking for money to email, they are not ready to email a MP3 recording of the calls whereas many others are co-operative and prompt in giving the details of the call. This was never mentioned in the contract. 7. They wanted to know and ask at the first meeting what questions should be asked from clients after not forwarding HR and sales inquiries to me. I said Irsquoll email the list. After 2 months being sure of my question, service-coordinator shamelessly slapped an extra payment scheme on me. This was never mentioned in the contract. I even asked service coordinator to send complaint links to his seniors and he forwarded about a month ago but there wasnrsquot any response from anyone. Why should I bear the brunt of lack of co-ordination in the complex hierarchy First of all I never required any calling service at all (Just a Delhi number thatrsquos it). Even if it has to be a calling service I wonrsquot prefer it to be on any other inaccessible number than my mobile. I simply needed an office space in Delhi for my clients to sit. I even have a free UK number which directs the call automatically to my phone. And best of all, I needed peace of mind over communication filtration. I never had it so I am looking for better cabin option at the same location and the best for calling probably related to my mobile. They have created such a depression that it becomes difficult to work and concentrate. We work and know how to understand clients requirement and I personally feel I am million times better than them and provide asked for service:-) Today is 18th September and I have paid about 32K(almost the total amount of 6 months as per contract) yet havenrsquot used their office for any meeting since August 1 the date of service, and hardly got 8-10 calls from them neither of which are customer leads. I also have a doubt, whether they arenrsquot diverting my lead calls to some other architect because despite circulation of my number, not even one client call has come. I donrsquot have any faith left on them. Irsquoll honestly update you with experiences of 4 months of contract left with them. They are supposed to provide me personalized call answering service. Regus Group Dishonest Practices MARK DIXON - CEO OF THE REGUS GROUP IS ONE OF THE WORLDS BIGGEST SCAM OPERATORS It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients that the REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments. It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return. Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the ldquosmall printsrdquo in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left lsquohanging in the airrsquo without any possibility to receive his money refunded. The Regus managers ldquoin chargerdquo are suddenly ldquoun-availablerdquo to solve any problems and the client is ldquodragged over the floorrdquo for months with ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply ldquoignoredrdquo and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too. Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IF YOU DONrsquoT WISH TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM. THERE ARE FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL COMPANIES OUT THERE WHO WILL GLADLY OFFER YOU THEIR SERVICES AND THEY DO DELIVER IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team. THE REGUS GROUP IS A 100 SCAM OPERATION. - HERE IS WHAT OTHER CLIENTS AND EX-EMPLOYEES ARE SAYING ABOUT THE REGUS GROUP STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM ARTISTS I can confirmed the validity to the previous post, every single word is true. My lease ended 10312008 and in the last week I recieved and invoice from Regus (Indianapolis, In.) for 850.00 of whch there was no listing or breakdown of why I was receiving this invoice. Just a single unidentified dollar amount. When I called the office, Ispoke with the billing person who did a very poor job of helping me identify the full breakdown of the invoice. After concerted effort I was able to identify phone, mail, covered the fees over a 3 month tranistionary fee. Upon further complaint, the general manager called me today and of course reminded me that this transitionary fee is well represented in my contract that I signed 12 months ago. And of course I contend that at no time in dealling with the office manager at the initial signage of the contract or my exit conversations did this transitionary fee be expressed of discussed to me which I find non-discloser a fraudulant act and places Regus in my opinion as a SCAMMER. I plan to pursue this to and end and want all to know that Regus in my cased misrepresented their contract and service. I think the Regus people are all talk and all sleeze. I had an office at Regus on Rt 128 near Boston. My company paid a lot for it, but i needed a place to work away from two small kids in between sales travel. Thru word of mouht I found another executive suites, Highland-March, in Westborough. I really liked th e space and the peaople there a lot and it was much closer to home, so i put in my 3 month notice at Regus. I began working out of Highland-March right away on a day-to-day basis. The staff there was fabulous and the price was almost half of what Regus charged. Really top-notch people. So heres the catch: I hadnt shown up at Regus for about 5 weeks, but I still had 6 weeks to go on my contract and my comapny was still paying the (outrageous) monthly fees. Well, I go to my office, unlock the door--and there is someone else working there. They had taken all my stuff and put it in boxes in storage there, and sold my office right out from underneath me--and I was still paying for it I will never-ever use Regus again. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. . Does anyone know if you sign an agreement with Regus and your company goes bankrupt, can they come after you personally I realize that any responses should be validated by an attorney, etc. I re-newed my Regus deal 8 months ago after a 6 month contract, then the economy drove my business into the duldrums. I gave notice in February that I was going to vacate and vacated in March. I paid March rent but sent in 2 secret shoppers in late March. They were NOT shown my space. I am a sole proprietor and the agreement was signed in the companys name and written in the companys name. There is NO personal gurarantee on the agreement. I offered them a 75 buyout and they said no. Anybody else experience anything like this . We moved into Regus HQ in Tulsa, OK in Nov. 2006. The whole time we rented our office space there they seemed to come up with misc. charges for all kinds of things. When we moved out they charged us 2000 and they couldnt tell us what all the charges were even for And then put a late charge on our bill while they were taking forever to research what our charges were. Here we are, 5 months after we moved out, and we just received ANOTHER invoice for postage and supplies from our Business Continuation fee that we were unaware of when we signed the contract. This is a charge for them to forward your mail (You dont have a choice, all the mail that comes is listed as one suite, so you cant intercept the post office) not only do they charge to forward your mail, they charge YOU for the postage and supplies that they use. Now we are paying 200 on a 35 postage charge because they slapped two late fees after not billing us on time. Oh, did I mention, its 5 months later and we havent received our deposit back from when we moved in. I would NEVER recommend RegusHQ to anyone. . THIS POST IF FROM AN EX-EMPLOYEE OF THE REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP. IF THIS IS NOT ENOUGH WARNING FOR ANY CLIENT TO STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM OPERATORS, THEN WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IShellip I used to work for Regus and I have to concur that unfortunately, what is written above is true. Please know that with the economy turning, the pressure on managers to gloss over key areas of the contract and then hide behind the fine print will increase. Previously, managers were allowed to discuss those fees. Most did, some did not. The explosion of complaints, I believe, is a direct result of the pressure they are now feeling to sell at any cost - customers be danged. Once youre in youre in and that is the stance that the company will take. I left after years with this company when I finally got tired of fighting against such practices, as have many other managers in the last 8-12 months. Sadly, many of the people who put customers first are no longer there. go to careerbuilder - they cant hire people fast enough to stop the bleeding. I count myself as one of the lucky ones having left early enough to escape the new initiatives that severely reduce incentives, encourage infighting and poor customer management. This company had the potential to be great but is being driven into the ground by fear and greed. If you need to sign a contract with a RegusHQ building, please read the contract thoroughly and ASK ABOUT EVERY SINGLE FEE LISTED AND EVERY DEADLINE FOR RENEWAL. It appears more likely than not from the comments above that they will not review it and you will certainly end up paying for it. HQ was a great company once. Its sad to see what its become. . Regus asked for nearly 3600 in security deposit for a 3 month contract. Mark Green, the incompetent manager at 5 Penn Plaza assured me that every single penny would be returned. In mid-March, I upgraded my office from a 1200month room to 2100month room. During my upgrade, Mark Green told me that he would waive any fees associated with the upgrade. To my surprise, I received a 2400 bill for the month of March (I expected to receive a 1650 bill since I moved mid-march). I asked Mark Green what had happened. He told me that he wasnt sure, but that he had spent two hours last night adjusting my bill ndash the nightmare had begun. When Mark Green was unable to resolve my bill on April (after coming back with many excuses that he didnt have time to look over my bill), I told him that since my 3 month contract would come to an end on May 1st, I was prepared to leave if he cannot deal with my bill. Mark Green, frustrated at his lack of understanding of his own companys billing system, delegated his duty to Cathy DeFrenza, another manager who didnt understand her own companys billing system. Cathy assured me that she was prepared to resolve my bill that same day. I was very happy to hear that. Of course, Cathy disappeared. She was on jury duty for over two weeks. After contacting Mark Green to ask what had happened, I was repeatedly told that Cathy would give me a call. Cathy never did. On June 1st, Mark Green told me that he was no longer in charge of my bill and that the responsibility had been elevated to Regus corporate headquarter. I called Regus corporate headquarter and another employee who had no idea why Mark Green had forwarded this information answered my call. She informed me that I was being charged a 1000 business continuation fee and that my security deposit will not be returned until Ive resolved my account. There was no hope left. I had no one to speak to about my overcharged bill on the month of March. Regus also charged me 300 wear and tear fee for an office I had used for three months. The office was practically brand new when I left So heres my advice: dont go to Regus if you want an honest billing system. I found that there are much better offices with windows (mine had none). If you put in 3600 security deposit, know that you will probably get 1000 back or NOTHING AT ALL. . I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for 600 a month. I never paid less than 1200 for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an 800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that donrsquot matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for 205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they donrsquot count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than 525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured Id just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the 205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldnrsquot cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact I was so disgusted I havent even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit theyre pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and Irsquoll never ever do business with them again. OH My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee. hahaha have you ever heard of such things. These people have some nerve to say the least. . I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for 600 a month. I never paid less than 1200 for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an 800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that donrsquot matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for 205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they donrsquot count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than 525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured Id just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the 205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldnrsquot cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact I was so disgusted I havent even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit theyre pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and Irsquoll never ever do business with them again. OH My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee. hahaha have you ever heard of such things. These people have some nerve to say the least. HQ Global WorkplacesRegus Group Fraud, Employee Theft of Identity I recently returned from my military mission in Iraq as one of the thousands USA soldiers and thankful to be joined again with my family, but worried about how I would support them. I borrowed 1350 from a loved one and then went to add the funds to my bank account. Within minutes, I discovered that a company named HQ Global Workplaces had charged my account 326.00. When I called my card company to inquire and dispute the charges, they suggested I first call the merchant. When I called the merchant (HQ Global Workplaces) they informed me that they had charged my card because someone using a different name other than mine, had ordered some type of virtual office service. They refused to refund the money to my card even though I told them that I was not the one who made the transactions. I offered them proof of my identity and even offered to send them a photocopy of my id and my credit card to show that the name on my card is not the name that was used to make the transaction. I also offered to provide them with I had just returned from the military and could not have possibly made the transaction. I will unfortunately have to spend more time and money in taking them to court but in the meantime, I still am out of 1350 and my rent is due. Exclusion and limitation clauses - Commercial contracts AND THE FRAUDULENT REGUS STRATEGIES In our June 2007 commercial update, we reported the decision in Regus (UK) Ltd - v - Epcot Solutions Ltd 2007 EWHC 938 (Comm) in which an exclusion clause in the suppliers standard terms was held to be unreasonable under section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA). The court reached this view on the grounds that the clause left the customer, Epcot, with no real remedy for breach of contract. In a recent judgment (2008 EWCA Civ 361), the Court of Appeal upheld the clause and it is important to understand why. Epcot, a small IT training provider, rented high quality serviced office accommodation from Regus for a number of years but the relationship was marred by a number of problems, including the inadequacy of the air-conditioning system in the premises which ultimately led to Epcot claiming substantial damages. Regus attempted to rely on the exclusion clause in its standard terms, the relevant parts of which were as follows: We will not in any circumstances have any liability for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. The customer was advised to insure accordingly. We will be liable. up to a maximum equal to 125 per cent of the total fees paid under your agreement. or pound50, 000 (whichever is the higher), in respect of all other losses, damages, expenses or claims. In the Court of Appeal, Rix LJ held that the trial judge had erred as to the scope of the clause and Epcots available remedies. Rix LJ pointed out that the obvious and primary measure of loss for the defective air-conditioning is the diminution in value of the services provided - i. e. the difference between the value of air-conditioned offices and non-air-conditioned offices. Although the first limb of the clause excluded some heads of loss, notably loss of profits and consequential loss, it left this primary measure of loss untouched. It was argued that the first limb was unreasonable because it operated in any circumstances, i. e. even in the case of Reguss fraud or deliberate acts. This was a misconstruction. Liability for fraud or malice would always be accepted because parties contract with each other in the expectation of honest dealing. Extreme or remote possibilities like these should not be the primary focus when assessing clauses for reasonableness. Looking at the UCTA reasonableness factors, Rix LJ pointed out that Epcots CEO was an intelligent and experienced businessman who was well aware of Reguss standard terms and used a similar exclusion himself. There was no inequality of bargaining power, as shown by negotiating patterns and Epcots obvious awareness of alternative providers. As for insurance, it would have been far easier for Epcot to insure against the losses mentioned in the first limb. Overall, the first limb met the requirement of reasonableness and the figures of the higher of 125 per cent or pound50, 000 specified in the second limb were, in fact, described as generous. The trial judge had originally stated that the first part of the clause could not be severed and therefore the whole thing failed. By the time of the appeal, it had been conceded that severability was possible, allowing the second limb to remain intact. Rix LJ approved this approach, despite the fact that the clause was not divided into separate sub-clauses, because the two limbs were clearly independent of each other and served different purposes (i. e. one excluding liability, and the other limiting it). Anyone whose standard terms include a cap of this type will be reassured by the Court of Appeals stance. Lawyers, too, can distil some drafting guidance from the judgment. In particular, clauses should be split into separate sub-clauses, wherever possible, with clear numbering to differentiate them, and drafted so that they are capable of standing alone if one part is struck out. This should be supported by a severability clause in the boiler plate. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER WARNING TO STAY AWAY FROM REGUS ANDOR HQ MANAGEMENT GROUP. THESE GUYS AR CROOKS . THE REGUS GROUP IS THE BIGGEST SCAM OPERATION GLOBALLY. - HERE ARE MORE FACTS FROM REGUS CLIENTS AND EX-EMPLOYEES OF THE REGUS GROUP WARNING. STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM ARTISTS Regus Office Rental Bait and switch Prior to signing of my contract with Regus, Mark Sinclair (General Manager) assured me there would not be any additional feeshidden fees. I was informed by a competitor that Regus had hidden fees and not to go with them during my research of finding a temp office space. My contract was for 3 months. During the last week of my contract I emailed and personally asked the Operations manager, Marybeth Catinella if I had to sign, review, final walk through, and anything else prior to my last date so that I do not get any other charges then what I have already paid. Marybeth Catinella said dont worry about it, everything is fine and that I should receive my deposit in 30 days. On the 30th day I receive an invoice for 1032.50. After further research I found out the contract had a clause with NO FEE SCHEDULE about continuing business setup. I asked Mark Sinclair about the fee and he just email replying I just received word back from my boss that Regus cannot waive the business continuity charges that are outlined in section 23 of the terms and conditions of the service agreement. Im a small business owner. Every dollar matters I received a PROMISE from the General Manager assuring me there will be no other fee then the 600 per month and assured me his competitor was lying. When I asked the Operations Manager if I needed to do anything to assure my full deposit with no other charges, she stated dont worry about it, everything is fine. I should have ended my contract when I received my 1st invoice with a higher agreed fee of 600 BUT again I was sold by the General Manager, Mark Sinclair. I am very upset that I was deceived and not told all the information by the General Manager and the Operations Manager (Mark Sinclair and Marybeth Catinell). I want to warn others of Reguss hidden fees and bait and switch sales tactic. 141 days ago by Sara S 1 Votes Regus is the BIGGEST rip off in the world. They charged us than here in Cupertino for one YEAR of membership and the place closed down right after. Now, they have scamed us of our money and no refunds are issued. I am FURIOUS. DO NOT PAY A DIME TO REGUS BUSINESS CENTERS. PLS KEEP YOUR MONEY AWAY FROM THESE FRAUDS. ANYONE WANTS TO SUE THEM LET ME KNOW. i AM ALL FOR IT 119 days ago by twinkle1000 1 Votes Yes I totally agree I am having murder with one in the UK at the moment who have provided an absolute sham of a service and wont do a thing about it having a huge detriment on my business. Steer clear of Regus 69 days ago by IhateRegus 1 Votes I concur about everything that has been stated We were hit by the same charges unknown to us They are scams and something has got to be illegal about what theyre doing. I agree, stay clear of Regus. 9 days ago by Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. Ive been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake Ive made. Id like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service. Id strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them. And yes, Id love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address He is the CEO of this absymal Company. 9 days ago by Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. Ive been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake Ive made. Id like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service. Id strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them. And yes, Id love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address He is the CEO of this absymal Company. It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients as well as ex-employees that the REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. The list of client and ex-employee complains is getting longer everyday. Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments. It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return. Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the ldquosmall printsrdquo in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left lsquohanging in the airrsquo without any possibility to receive his money refunded. The Regus managers ldquoin chargerdquo are suddenly ldquoun-availablerdquo to solve any problems and the client is ldquodragged over the floorrdquo for months with ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply ldquoignoredrdquo and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too. Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IF YOU DONrsquoT WISH TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM. THERE ARE FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL COMPANIES OUT THERE WHO WILL GLADLY OFFER YOU THEIR SERVICES AND THEY DO DELIVER IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team. Regus staves off bankruptcy with pound57m UK disposal By Liz Vaughan-Adams The cash-strapped provider of serviced offices Regus sold a controlling stake in its UK business yesterday in a last-ditch effort to raise money to ensure it stays afloat. The company is selling 58 per cent of its UK business for a maximum of pound57m to Rex 2002, a new company set up by the venture capital firm Alchemy. Regus said it believed the deal was the only option left on the table and warned that unless it was completed by the end of the year, as expected, parts of the Regus Group will be unable to trade, which is likely to result in the appointment of the administrators. This was a deal we had to do, said Mark Dixon, the chief executive. We are selling the crown jewels here, we cant deny that. The UK business is our most established business, its our most profitable business, its the best cash-flow producer. The companys UK operation, which has a workforce of 556, made an operating profit of pound13.6m in the first nine months of the year, on sales of pound129.4m. Regus warned yesterday that it would have faced a pound6m shortfall later this year were it not for the disposal of the 58 per cent stake in that business to Alchemy. Shares in the company closed down 6 per cent at 14.5p. The company does not have any overdraft or debt facilities to bridge that shortfall and admitted yesterday that none of the banks or potential lenders it approached were prepared to help. It said that providing it made revenues of more than pound270m in 2003 and provided the disposal to Alchemy went through, it thought it had sufficient working capital for the next 12 months. It is now also working on plans to sell non-core assets as well as to restructure its loss-making businesses, particularly in the United States, to improve its finances. But the company warned that it expected pricing to remain under pressure at least for the foreseeable future and said it expected turnover to be down fractionally in the first quarter of next year. Regus advisor, NM Rothschild, said Regus was in severe financial difficulty and warned that it would not be able to meet its obligations unless the sale went through in time. . Hotdog hero hits hard times Regus chief executive Mark Dixon faces an uncertain future as the US arm of his company files for bankcruptcy, writes Mark Tran Mark Dixon, chief executive of Regus, put his finger on the problem that has bedevilled his office rental company since boom turned to bust in the US. The reason we are trading poorly, he said, is largely a result of us having too much space and at too high a rent on the west coast of America, where the market has been affected very badly by the technology slump. Only three years ago, Mr Dixon - who left school at 16 and once sold hotdogs - was singing the praises of the US, saying it was a wonderful place to do business. But that was before the hi-tech bubble burst, pushing the worlds largest economy into recession. The downturn left the US market with a glut of office space and threatens to force to Mr Dixon to hang up a for-sale sign. But Mr Dixon insists that he is not bailing out of the US. The operations are to be restructured, not scrapped, and no wholesale closures are planned. The odds are against him. Filing for bankruptcy in the US is the latest twist of the knife for Regus. Last month it sold a majority stake in its only profitable business to a venture capitalist. Alchemy Partners agreed to pay pound51-57m for 58 of Reguss UK division, depending on performance. At the time, Mr Dixon, who holds a 64 stake in the company, admitted that he was selling off the crown jewels. Now other venture capitalist firms are circling. The US venture capital firm, Indigo Capital, has said it was considering a bid, although it is under scrutiny from the financial services authority (FSA) for possibly issuing misleading statements over its shareholding. Should Regus be swallowed up by someone else, it will mean a huge setback for Mr Dixon, who hit upon the idea of providing office space with all the trimmings - from photocopiers to toilets - for businesses. Mr Dixon hit upon the idea during a trip to Brussels when he noticed the large number of international business people working from their hotel rooms. He decided to introduce the American business centre concept to Europe to take advantage of a shift in working patterns, with companies requiring flexible office space and services. His first office rental overlooked Brussels Stephanie Square, in 1989. Regus was actually founded in the UK by John Wheeler, who had the same idea as Mr Dixon. Mr Dixon approached Mr Wheeler and suggested joining forces. Then Reguss Swedish backers, Reinhold, collapsed. Mr Dixon bought Regus from the receivers, with the help of pound800, 000 from the sale of his Dial-A-Snack business. Regus became one of the worlds fastest growing companies, expanding into the US and Asia, and employing almost 3, 000 people. It provided fully equipped offices equipped with high speed internet access and high-quality furniture. The worlds biggest company of its kind, Regus boasted a global network of over 420 full-service business centres with 92, 000 workspaces in 51 countries, located in modern and prestigious buildings. The accolades followed. In 1999, Mr Dixon was named Ernst Young entrepreneur of the year, while the Sun complimented him on being a top geezer and a hotdog hero. The expansion into the US proved to be Reguss undoing. At first business took off. It then fell off a cliff when the US economy went into reverse. Regus made the classic mistake of jumping into a hot market just as it was about to go cold. Floated on the London stock exchange and Nasdaq in the US in 2000 at a value of pound1.5bn, Regus shares peaked at 392p during the hi-tech boom. Now Regus shares fetch about 21p, giving the company a market value of just pound126m - and shares have actually gone up this year because of takeover speculation. Should Regus be bought up or go bust, Mr Dixon, who is only 43, can be expected to be looking around for other business opportunities. Three years ago, Mr Dixon claimed he would start over again if he went bankrupt. Definitely, I wouldnt hesitate - I wouldnt miss a day, he said in an interview. That day might come round sooner than he had anticipated. copy Guardian News Media . Mark Dixon: the Briton who wants to build a new Google Mark Dixon, chief executive of Regus, made his fortune supplying serviced offices and he has his sights set on creating a world-leading company. By Andrew Cave Published: 9:00PM BST 25 Apr 2009 What does a man do when he has lost half a billion pounds, been trashed by the City and gone through an expensive, high-profile divorce For Essex burger-flipper turned Monaco-based tycoon and tax exile Mark Dixon, simply rehabilitating Regus ndash the outsourced offices provider whose US business crashed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection during the dotcom bust ndash wouldnt be enough. Neither would taking the group into the FTSE 100 index ndash a task that would need it to roughly double its pound700m market capitalisation. What Mr Dixon, the son of an engineer and owner of 40pc of the company, really wants is to build the next Google or Microsoft. Is he serious You bet. Whatever I achieve, I get a second of light when I achieve it, but then I want to get on and do the next thing, he said. Regus at some point in the future will be an important global business. I want the business to be accepted and for people to talk about it like they talk about Google and Microsoft: companies that provide tools that they can use. Thats what we want: for our customers to say: Yes. I really get value from that. This inveterate need to prove himself is what led Mr Dixon, 49, to leave school at 16, starting Dial-a-Snack to make sandwiches which he delivered on a butchers bike. The business was not a success ndash Customers loved it but no one told me you had to make a margin ndash and he ended up travelling the world, paying his way by working in restaurants and selling encyclopaedias. On his return, he invested pound600 in a burger van and began selling hot dogs, buying seven other vans in Essex before ploughing his pound10, 000 savings into setting up The Bread Roll Company, which he sold in 1988 for pound800, 000. He moved to Brussels and had a flat-rental firm before he spotted businessmen holding meetings around coffee tables in hotels, saw the potential for providing desks for executives on the move and set up Regus in 1989. When he floated the business in October 2000, it was valued at pound1.5bn. Six months later, it was worth pound2bn and Mr Dixons 60pc stake at the time made him a billionaire. Now hes tending to his ninth business, the Chateau de Berne vineyard in Provence, which he bought a couple of years ago. I enjoy what I do and my businesses are also my hobby, he said. Wine is my weekend job. Im one of the leading producers of Cote de Provence rose. We produce about 600, 000 bottles of wine, mostly roseacute ndash the stuff you drink when youre sitting on the beach. I also do about 35 tonnes of olive oil a year. Does he really still need to prove himself, seven years after the Chapter 11 filing and the sale of a majority stake in Reguss British operations to venture capital firm Alchemy Partners Of course I do. Not to the City, though. I am driven more personally. I am not worried by what people think. Regus suffered in the last economic downturn because its easy terms for flexible short-term office or desk rental were highly attractive to dotcom entrepreneurs, who fled en masse when the boom turned to bust. Mr Dixon said the company had also over-expanded in the US and calls the Chapter 11 episode a near-death experience. In the UK, the shares, floated at 260p, hit a low of 3frac12p, valuing Mr Dixons stake at less than pound80m. However, within a year Regus was able to buy HQ Global, its American rival, for pound164m. Regus now has full control of its UK business and increased group pre-tax profits by 25pc to pound149m last year. It now has cash of more than pound200m and no debt, 171, 277 desks at 1, 000 office centres and gets 40pc of its revenues from the US. Last year it redomiciled for tax reasons and is now incorporated in Jersey and resident in Luxembourg. Now more storm clouds are gathering, with dire conditions in the commercial property market and spiralling levels of business failures, but Mr Dixon claims to have reinvented Reguss business model to make the company more recession-resilient. He says 65pc of Reguss offices are leased through partnership profit-sharing deals with property owners, which give less exposure to long leases and empty properties. BusinessWorld, a members club launched last summer that Mr Dixon describes as offering Oyster cards for offices, has signed up 200, 000 members who pay monthly subscriptions in return for desk-days at Reguss sites. Average occupancy of Reguss office space increased slightly to 82.9pc last year. Were not in the risk-taking business. Were an operator, Mr Dixon said. Weve got a brave new world of products that are really touching a nerve with the business world now, based on the ability to cut a businesss costs. You could be someone made redundant in the City. You dont want to sit at home in Essex. You buy one of these cards, pop up to London and youve got a place to sit. Or you could be a very large corporate thats looking to take out costs. Regus also offers a deal that gives unlimited access to business lounges providing free wi-fi internet connections and tea and coffee for pound17 a month. Theyre like airport lounges, said Mr Dixon. Youre not allowed to sit there and camp out. Its there for occasional use. These are great recession products. This time, were prepared. Were not going to be so badly affected. Last time, we were an immature business. The business had doubled in size every year for the previous 10 years so the average age of the centres was under two years. Now the average age of our centres is nine years. Were starting from a very strong base and trying to hold it. The next two or three years is going to be all about value. Its the Ryanair and easyJet world. Youve got to be focused on the cost for your customers. Mr Dixon doesnt underestimate the severity of the challenge ahead. Ive been in business for 34 years and never seen anything like this, he said. But our relationship with landlords is symbiotic. If there were to be a problem I believe people would work together. Its not a time for conflict. We have 400, 000 customers. Its taken us 20 years to get that but weve got the best distribution that landlords can possibly touch, and were in 75 countries and will add 10 more this year. Were just opening up in Honduras, Paraguay, Senegal and Mauritius. The tough times, including his pound28.7m divorce settlement in 2005 with ex-wife Trudy, the mother of two of his five children, clearly still hurt deeply. Going through the reconstruction, the humiliation and the damage to value and everything else, I class that as a rite of passage, he said. Its difficult at the time but you get on with it. I didnt spend time sitting crying into my soup. You just work a lot more hours in the day. You dont have time to worry about what everyone is saying. My rite of passage has made me into a better business person. Im more rounded and Ive aged a bit. Im a lot more mature. Im a completely different person from last time around. I take a lot less risk. But weve not only got to fight the recession, weve got to get rehabilitated. Weve vowed to leave the emergency ward and not go back. If you disappoint the market badly, as we did, it takes years and years to recover. Were doing it. Well be in the doghouse for as long as it takes. MARK DIXON CV Family: Divorced with four daughters and one son Houses: Connecticut, Provence, Monaco Interests: Sailing, wine-making, tennis and collecting old trucks On burgers: I still occasionally meet people who bought hot dogs from me. Its a great business but you work all night and smell of onions all day. On tax: I pay some tax here. Im only in the UK 45 to 60 days a year. I spend my life on a plane. On films: My favourite is The Godfather - its all about honour and business, although its not the sort of business we do. On Cars: I drive a Range Rover but I dont really do cars. I do old trucks. I have a 1971 Toyota and an old Citroen. On reading matter: Youll laugh but Im reading The Great Crash by JK Galbraith and a book about Julius Caesar. I also love Private Eye and no, I dont think Ive ever been in it. . MORE REGUS VICTIMS: 11 hours 54 minutes ago by Sophia2000 0 Votes I have problem with Regus UK, at first they talk about benefits with Regus, and after end of my contract when I decided to leave them they show their real face and they didnrsquot return my deposit, please beware them and considering before agreement with them. Mark Dixon has given a typically bullish interview with the Telegraph newspaper this week. In it he states that he wants Regus to become the next ldquoGoogle or Microsoftrdquo and that he wants to Regus to be seen as a useful tool that people use to operate successfully in Business. Clearly Regus have got someway to go to reach the status of Google or Microsoft in terms of monetary value, however it is more the sentiment expressed by Dixon that should be of interest. If anyone thinks that he would be satisfied with Regusrsquos current domination of the global serviced office market, then they would be under a misapprehension over the psyche of Mr Dixon. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE BEFORE THE AUTHORITHIES BRING THIS GLOBAL SCAM ARTIST DOWN. Sir Stelios, the founder of easyGroup, which includes easyOffice. co. uk, has today issued defamation proceedings through Schillings (the leading law firm in reputation management) against Mark Dixon, CEO of international serviced office company Regus Group Plc, and the company itself, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Sir Stelios is suing following claims made to the Financial Times Sir Stelios said today: ldquoI was called a liar to a publication I respect hugely and one that is very important in my business career. This is unacceptable to me and I have decided to take this legal step to clear my name and my reputation in the City. rdquo 4 hours 55 minutes ago by don not use regus they are bad 0 Votes Trust me they are just as bad in the UK, we took a office from them in Leeds, Wellington Place, the staff are very rude the sales reps totally lie about everything then you never see them for a blue moon, they very very dodgy to look at them you would think they would be a good company to deal with they are the utter pitts, DO NOT USE THEM, THEY WILL ONLY GET IN THE WAY OF YOU RUN RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS. . Regus chiefs waive their pay as losses spiral By Susie Mesure Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Both men have worked for free since August and will continue to do so until the end of the year. Mr Dixon was being paid pound400, 000 a year while Mr Stamp earned pound160, 000. The move accompanied redundancies for a quarter of Reguss staff and an across-the-board pay cut of 40 per cent, helping to slash pound60m from the companys cost base. Shares in Regus soared 87 per cent to 36p, buoyed by signs that the groups strategy shift to longer-term contracts was working. Mr Dixon, who owns 60 per cent of Reguss share capital, bought a further one million shares at 30p each. His share holding is worth pound121m, down from more than pound1.3bn earlier this year. Mr Dixon said the cost-cutting action, prompted by a catastrophic profits warning in July following a downturn in Reguss business, should mean the company is cash-flow positive by next year. We are guardedly optimistic about the future, he said. Regus cut 800 jobs in the last three months, including 287 in Britain, and halted its new centres opening programme. It has reduced monthly cash expenditure from about pound12m a month through to September to a forecast of pound1.2m by December. Analysts remained cautious about the groups ability to increase its cashflow next year after it discounted fees to win back tenants. Businesses can rent a Regus workspace for as little as pound8 a day in the provinces and pound19 a day in London. While Regus said that its order book had reached a record level in September, fears remain about how well the business will fare in increasingly difficult economic conditions. Demand for Reguss US workstations has plummeted. Regus reported a pre-tax loss of pound11m for the three months to 30 September, compared with a profit of pound4.9m a year earlier. The company took an exceptional charge of pound87m, mostly in relation to its efforts to cut overheads. . Regus Shares Drop and Investors Reject Pay Package By Ceri Jones sdot May 21, 2009 sdot Shares in the UKrsquos largest serviced office operator Regus Plc have fallen by over 10 per cent. The drop of 9p per share has come despite the company seeing a year-on-year increase in turn over during the past four months. CEO Mark Dixon has reportedly blamed the drop in value of the pound for the slow up in revenue. After being offered an executive pay package, a third of the companyrsquos independent shareholders voted against the package for the second time in two years at the grouprsquos annual meeting. Ahead of the vote the Association of British Insurers expressed concerns regarding the companyrsquos corporate governance after Regus chose to ignore the companyrsquos share underperformance and allot 1.6m shares to Mark Dixon, who owns over 37 of the company, in line with the grouprsquos performance bonus plan. MARK DIXON AND THE REGUS GROUP - A SINKING SHIP. MAKE SURE THEY DONT GO DOWN WITH YOUR MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. . 71 days ago by anonymous 0 Votes Highly agree. All around they are too expensive and the fees are ridiculous. I would never recommend there service to anyone in any location. Regus published wrong address on several buildings. during a USPS software and hardware upgrade, we noticed mail being returned with what we knew to be the proper address. Later we learned that the post office had advised the regus group in irvinemant times about using the proper address. they have since changed the address BUT wont pay a dime to anyone most are unaware and absorbed the cost to cure BECAUSE regus told the clients the post office was in error. i found it and was terminated regus loses mail regus is awful to deal with regus doesnt care about client service regus told OUR clients we werent there, didnt have a real office etc regus told OUR clients they had th wrong number MARK DIXON - CEO OF THE REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR GLOBAL CONSUMER FRAUD FROM HOT DOG SALES MAN TO ONE OF THE BIGGEST SCAM ARTIST ACROSS THE GLOBE It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients that the REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments. It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return. Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the ldquosmall printsrdquo in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left lsquohanging in the airrsquo without any possibility to receive his money refunded. The Regus managers ldquoin chargerdquo are suddenly ldquoun-availablerdquo to solve any problems and the client is ldquodragged over the floorrdquo for months with ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply ldquoignoredrdquo and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too. Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IF YOU DONrsquoT WISH TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM. THERE ARE FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL COMPANIES OUT THERE WHO WILL GLADLY OFFER YOU THEIR SERVICES AND THEY DO DELIVER IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team. HERE ARE HUNDREDS OF REGUS VICTIMS: THE REGUS GROUP IS A 100 SCAM OPERATION. - HERE IS WHAT OTHER CLIENTS AND EX-EMPLOYEES ARE SAYING ABOUT THE REGUS GROUP STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM ARTISTS I can confirmed the validity to the previous post, every single word is true. My lease ended 10312008 and in the last week I recieved and invoice from Regus (Indianapolis, In.) for 850.00 of whch there was no listing or breakdown of why I was receiving this invoice. Just a single unidentified dollar amount. When I called the office, Ispoke with the billing person who did a very poor job of helping me identify the full breakdown of the invoice. After concerted effort I was able to identify phone, mail, covered the fees over a 3 month tranistionary fee. Upon further complaint, the general manager called me today and of course reminded me that this transitionary fee is well represented in my contract that I signed 12 months ago. And of course I contend that at no time in dealling with the office manager at the initial signage of the contract or my exit conversations did this transitionary fee be expressed of discussed to me which I find non-discloser a fraudulant act and places Regus in my opinion as a SCAMMER. I plan to pursue this to and end and want all to know that Regus in my cased misrepresented their contract and service. I think the Regus people are all talk and all sleeze. I had an office at Regus on Rt 128 near Boston. My company paid a lot for it, but i needed a place to work away from two small kids in between sales travel. Thru word of mouht I found another executive suites, Highland-March, in Westborough. I really liked th e space and the peaople there a lot and it was much closer to home, so i put in my 3 month notice at Regus. I began working out of Highland-March right away on a day-to-day basis. The staff there was fabulous and the price was almost half of what Regus charged. Really top-notch people. So heres the catch: I hadnt shown up at Regus for about 5 weeks, but I still had 6 weeks to go on my contract and my comapny was still paying the (outrageous) monthly fees. Well, I go to my office, unlock the door--and there is someone else working there. They had taken all my stuff and put it in boxes in storage there, and sold my office right out from underneath me--and I was still paying for it I will never-ever use Regus again. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. . Does anyone know if you sign an agreement with Regus and your company goes bankrupt, can they come after you personally I realize that any responses should be validated by an attorney, etc. I re-newed my Regus deal 8 months ago after a 6 month contract, then the economy drove my business into the duldrums. I gave notice in February that I was going to vacate and vacated in March. I paid March rent but sent in 2 secret shoppers in late March. They were NOT shown my space. I am a sole proprietor and the agreement was signed in the companys name and written in the companys name. There is NO personal gurarantee on the agreement. I offered them a 75 buyout and they said no. Anybody else experience anything like this . We moved into Regus HQ in Tulsa, OK in Nov. 2006. The whole time we rented our office space there they seemed to come up with misc. charges for all kinds of things. When we moved out they charged us 2000 and they couldnt tell us what all the charges were even for And then put a late charge on our bill while they were taking forever to research what our charges were. Here we are, 5 months after we moved out, and we just received ANOTHER invoice for postage and supplies from our Business Continuation fee that we were unaware of when we signed the contract. This is a charge for them to forward your mail (You dont have a choice, all the mail that comes is listed as one suite, so you cant intercept the post office) not only do they charge to forward your mail, they charge YOU for the postage and supplies that they use. Now we are paying 200 on a 35 postage charge because they slapped two late fees after not billing us on time. Oh, did I mention, its 5 months later and we havent received our deposit back from when we moved in. I would NEVER recommend RegusHQ to anyone. . THIS POST IF FROM AN EX-EMPLOYEE OF THE REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP. IF THIS IS NOT ENOUGH WARNING FOR ANY CLIENT TO STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM OPERATORS, THEN WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IShellip I used to work for Regus and I have to concur that unfortunately, what is written above is true. Please know that with the economy turning, the pressure on managers to gloss over key areas of the contract and then hide behind the fine print will increase. Previously, managers were allowed to discuss those fees. Most did, some did not. The explosion of complaints, I believe, is a direct result of the pressure they are now feeling to sell at any cost - customers be danged. Once youre in youre in and that is the stance that the company will take. I left after years with this company when I finally got tired of fighting against such practices, as have many other managers in the last 8-12 months. Sadly, many of the people who put customers first are no longer there. go to careerbuilder - they cant hire people fast enough to stop the bleeding. I count myself as one of the lucky ones having left early enough to escape the new initiatives that severely reduce incentives, encourage infighting and poor customer management. This company had the potential to be great but is being driven into the ground by fear and greed. If you need to sign a contract with a RegusHQ building, please read the contract thoroughly and ASK ABOUT EVERY SINGLE FEE LISTED AND EVERY DEADLINE FOR RENEWAL. It appears more likely than not from the comments above that they will not review it and you will certainly end up paying for it. HQ was a great company once. Its sad to see what its become. . Regus asked for nearly 3600 in security deposit for a 3 month contract. Mark Green, the incompetent manager at 5 Penn Plaza assured me that every single penny would be returned. In mid-March, I upgraded my office from a 1200month room to 2100month room. During my upgrade, Mark Green told me that he would waive any fees associated with the upgrade. To my surprise, I received a 2400 bill for the month of March (I expected to receive a 1650 bill since I moved mid-march). I asked Mark Green what had happened. He told me that he wasnt sure, but that he had spent two hours last night adjusting my bill ndash the nightmare had begun. When Mark Green was unable to resolve my bill on April (after coming back with many excuses that he didnt have time to look over my bill), I told him that since my 3 month contract would come to an end on May 1st, I was prepared to leave if he cannot deal with my bill. Mark Green, frustrated at his lack of understanding of his own companys billing system, delegated his duty to Cathy DeFrenza, another manager who didnt understand her own companys billing system. Cathy assured me that she was prepared to resolve my bill that same day. I was very happy to hear that. Of course, Cathy disappeared. She was on jury duty for over two weeks. After contacting Mark Green to ask what had happened, I was repeatedly told that Cathy would give me a call. Cathy never did. On June 1st, Mark Green told me that he was no longer in charge of my bill and that the responsibility had been elevated to Regus corporate headquarter. I called Regus corporate headquarter and another employee who had no idea why Mark Green had forwarded this information answered my call. She informed me that I was being charged a 1000 business continuation fee and that my security deposit will not be returned until Ive resolved my account. There was no hope left. I had no one to speak to about my overcharged bill on the month of March. Regus also charged me 300 wear and tear fee for an office I had used for three months. The office was practically brand new when I left So heres my advice: dont go to Regus if you want an honest billing system. I found that there are much better offices with windows (mine had none). If you put in 3600 security deposit, know that you will probably get 1000 back or NOTHING AT ALL. . I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for 600 a month. I never paid less than 1200 for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an 800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that donrsquot matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for 205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they donrsquot count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than 525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured Id just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the 205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldnrsquot cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact I was so disgusted I havent even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit theyre pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and Irsquoll never ever do business with them again. OH My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee. hahaha have you ever heard of such things. These people have some nerve to say the least. . I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for 600 a month. I never paid less than 1200 for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an 800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that donrsquot matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for 205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they donrsquot count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than 525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured Id just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the 205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldnrsquot cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact I was so disgusted I havent even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit theyre pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and Irsquoll never ever do business with them again. OH My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee. hahaha have you ever heard of such things. These people have some nerve to say the least. HQ Global WorkplacesRegus Group Fraud, Employee Theft of Identity I recently returned from my military mission in Iraq as one of the thousands USA soldiers and thankful to be joined again with my family, but worried about how I would support them. I borrowed 1350 from a loved one and then went to add the funds to my bank account. Within minutes, I discovered that a company named HQ Global Workplaces had charged my account 326.00. When I called my card company to inquire and dispute the charges, they suggested I first call the merchant. When I called the merchant (HQ Global Workplaces) they informed me that they had charged my card because someone using a different name other than mine, had ordered some type of virtual office service. They refused to refund the money to my card even though I told them that I was not the one who made the transactions. I offered them proof of my identity and even offered to send them a photocopy of my id and my credit card to show that the name on my card is not the name that was used to make the transaction. I also offered to provide them with I had just returned from the military and could not have possibly made the transaction. I will unfortunately have to spend more time and money in taking them to court but in the meantime, I still am out of 1350 and my rent is due. Exclusion and limitation clauses - Commercial contracts AND THE FRAUDULENT REGUS STRATEGIES In our June 2007 commercial update, we reported the decision in Regus (UK) Ltd - v - Epcot Solutions Ltd 2007 EWHC 938 (Comm) in which an exclusion clause in the suppliers standard terms was held to be unreasonable under section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA). The court reached this view on the grounds that the clause left the customer, Epcot, with no real remedy for breach of contract. In a recent judgment (2008 EWCA Civ 361), the Court of Appeal upheld the clause and it is important to understand why. Epcot, a small IT training provider, rented high quality serviced office accommodation from Regus for a number of years but the relationship was marred by a number of problems, including the inadequacy of the air-conditioning system in the premises which ultimately led to Epcot claiming substantial damages. Regus attempted to rely on the exclusion clause in its standard terms, the relevant parts of which were as follows: We will not in any circumstances have any liability for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. The customer was advised to insure accordingly. We will be liable. up to a maximum equal to 125 per cent of the total fees paid under your agreement. or pound50, 000 (whichever is the higher), in respect of all other losses, damages, expenses or claims. In the Court of Appeal, Rix LJ held that the trial judge had erred as to the scope of the clause and Epcots available remedies. Rix LJ pointed out that the obvious and primary measure of loss for the defective air-conditioning is the diminution in value of the services provided - i. e. the difference between the value of air-conditioned offices and non-air-conditioned offices. Although the first limb of the clause excluded some heads of loss, notably loss of profits and consequential loss, it left this primary measure of loss untouched. It was argued that the first limb was unreasonable because it operated in any circumstances, i. e. even in the case of Reguss fraud or deliberate acts. This was a misconstruction. Liability for fraud or malice would always be accepted because parties contract with each other in the expectation of honest dealing. Extreme or remote possibilities like these should not be the primary focus when assessing clauses for reasonableness. Looking at the UCTA reasonableness factors, Rix LJ pointed out that Epcots CEO was an intelligent and experienced businessman who was well aware of Reguss standard terms and used a similar exclusion himself. There was no inequality of bargaining power, as shown by negotiating patterns and Epcots obvious awareness of alternative providers. As for insurance, it would have been far easier for Epcot to insure against the losses mentioned in the first limb. Overall, the first limb met the requirement of reasonableness and the figures of the higher of 125 per cent or pound50, 000 specified in the second limb were, in fact, described as generous. The trial judge had originally stated that the first part of the clause could not be severed and therefore the whole thing failed. By the time of the appeal, it had been conceded that severability was possible, allowing the second limb to remain intact. Rix LJ approved this approach, despite the fact that the clause was not divided into separate sub-clauses, because the two limbs were clearly independent of each other and served different purposes (i. e. one excluding liability, and the other limiting it). Anyone whose standard terms include a cap of this type will be reassured by the Court of Appeals stance. Lawyers, too, can distil some drafting guidance from the judgment. In particular, clauses should be split into separate sub-clauses, wherever possible, with clear numbering to differentiate them, and drafted so that they are capable of standing alone if one part is struck out. This should be supported by a severability clause in the boiler plate. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER WARNING TO STAY AWAY FROM REGUS ANDOR HQ MANAGEMENT GROUP. THESE GUYS AR CROOKS . THE REGUS GROUP IS THE BIGGEST SCAM OPERATION GLOBALLY. - HERE ARE MORE FACTS FROM REGUS CLIENTS AND EX-EMPLOYEES OF THE REGUS GROUP WARNING. STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM ARTISTS Regus Office Rental Bait and switch Prior to signing of my contract with Regus, Mark Sinclair (General Manager) assured me there would not be any additional feeshidden fees. I was informed by a competitor that Regus had hidden fees and not to go with them during my research of finding a temp office space. My contract was for 3 months. During the last week of my contract I emailed and personally asked the Operations manager, Marybeth Catinella if I had to sign, review, final walk through, and anything else prior to my last date so that I do not get any other charges then what I have already paid. Marybeth Catinella said dont worry about it, everything is fine and that I should receive my deposit in 30 days. On the 30th day I receive an invoice for 1032.50. After further research I found out the contract had a clause with NO FEE SCHEDULE about continuing business setup. I asked Mark Sinclair about the fee and he just email replying I just received word back from my boss that Regus cannot waive the business continuity charges that are outlined in section 23 of the terms and conditions of the service agreement. Im a small business owner. Every dollar matters I received a PROMISE from the General Manager assuring me there will be no other fee then the 600 per month and assured me his competitor was lying. When I asked the Operations Manager if I needed to do anything to assure my full deposit with no other charges, she stated dont worry about it, everything is fine. I should have ended my contract when I received my 1st invoice with a higher agreed fee of 600 BUT again I was sold by the General Manager, Mark Sinclair. I am very upset that I was deceived and not told all the information by the General Manager and the Operations Manager (Mark Sinclair and Marybeth Catinell). I want to warn others of Reguss hidden fees and bait and switch sales tactic. 141 days ago by Sara S 1 Votes Regus is the BIGGEST rip off in the world. They charged us than here in Cupertino for one YEAR of membership and the place closed down right after. Now, they have scamed us of our money and no refunds are issued. I am FURIOUS. DO NOT PAY A DIME TO REGUS BUSINESS CENTERS. PLS KEEP YOUR MONEY AWAY FROM THESE FRAUDS. ANYONE WANTS TO SUE THEM LET ME KNOW. i AM ALL FOR IT 119 days ago by twinkle1000 1 Votes Yes I totally agree I am having murder with one in the UK at the moment who have provided an absolute sham of a service and wont do a thing about it having a huge detriment on my business. Steer clear of Regus 69 days ago by IhateRegus 1 Votes I concur about everything that has been stated We were hit by the same charges unknown to us They are scams and something has got to be illegal about what theyre doing. I agree, stay clear of Regus. 9 days ago by Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. Ive been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake Ive made. Id like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service. Id strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them. And yes, Id love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address He is the CEO of this absymal Company. 9 days ago by Hardworker 1 Votes Me too. Ive been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake Ive made. Id like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service. Id strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them. And yes, Id love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address He is the CEO of this absymal Company. Posted: 2009-03-10 by Attorney I am an attorney on a tight budget with little time to deal with office-type issues, which is why I opted for the Regus Business Centers in Chicago. The ads are nice and show happy, content clients. What a lie From slowfreezing internetserver issues to poorly trained staff and nasty management, I would not wish this work environment on anyone. The situation only got worse when construction began in the building (bc the Merc left) and I requested Regus assistance in enforcing the building agreement that no drilling or loud pounding take place between 8am - 5pm. Such noise made it difficult to conduct phone conferences and for clients to visit. Regus solution: move to a new office in the Regus family. nevermind that March is the BUSIEST and most maddening month for my type of law practice. I dont have time to move Today, while I informed Tara (30 S. Wacker manager) and Lynn (assistant manager) that I am extremely busy and do not have time to deal with the issue of moving offices due to the construction noise at the location, both nonetheless ndash and despite my request that they simply do their jobs and end the excessive noise - opted to lsquodrop byrsquo to further discuss. As I reiterated my need to leave the office to get work done (and was in the process of packing up to go work at home), the conversation grew heated and I asked Lynn to leave (as she was the one who misrepresented that the construction noise would end on Friday of last week). Lynn then informed me (in Tararsquos presence) that the office was ldquoher office, toordquo and refused to leave. If this is the case, then what have I been paying for. If I am not allowed a private (or even semi-private) space, then I do not think we are seeing eye-to-eye on the meaning of an office. I also did not appreciate Tararsquos snarky comments that she ldquodidnrsquot hear anythingrdquo while in the office and that ldquono other clients have complained. rdquo Note. that last one is a whopper (not at all true). When the building inspector and police stopped by last week, the noises were audible ndash as they were when I sent each e-mail to Tara and Lynn documenting the noise. I experienced all of 15 minutes of quiet in the office since 9:15 am today, and then later when the noise subsided after 11:00 am when Tara and Lynn, uninvited, interrupted my work. I am voicing dissatisfaction with the way construction noise complaints have been handled at this location and the general attitude and confrontational nature of the manager. I have made little progress speaking with persons from Regus on the phone lines and doubt I will make much progress until my lease is up in October. I would not recommend Regus to another attorney ndash not after today. It has Regus written all over it. We have experienced real issues with this office provider the level of service for one is exceptionally poor. Wed recommend that you dispute the invoices because you too have expectations. 10 hours 21 minutes ago by HoustonEngineer12 0 Votes In addtion and to others considering using Regus beware, they are deceptive in that they do not completely disclose terms. In my case I had requested a flat 3 month term as I needed a temporary officemeeting room for 1 meeting. Their Agent, agreed that they could do this and that at my discretion, services could be expanded andor renewed. After 45 days passed, I contacted them to make sure they understood that my term was for 3 months and no longer. Their response was that accordding to the terms of the contract, I owed them a 60 day notice prior to termination or the contract automaticaly renewed. After re-reading the fine print of the contract I noticed that this was indeed, stated. I offered to pay an additional 30 days lease to satisfy the notice however they refused. Also stated in the contract was that upon renewel rates may change without notice. There are a number of consumer complaints and Regus is not an accredited (or very credible) company. . REGUS COMPLAINTS bull Location: Phoenix. AZ. United States About Me A former (recently) 2year tenant of the PV Center in Phoenix. Months of issues with poor maintenance, no internet for days, poor staff response and amenities that did not work. Negotiated out of the contract early, however then to be charged 750Mo for phone transfers and answering I did not have while a tenant and mail forwarding that had already been transferred. To date - no mail has been forwarded and we have been out of the facvility for over two weeks. Instead of a 100station charge (we had two stations) - we were assessed 375 for moving out. Anyone have issues like this . Post a Comment On: REGUS COMPLAINTS Others Who Have Been Bound By Contract 6 Comments - Show Original PostCollapse comments Anonymous said. We had the exact same problem. Regus referred us to paragraph 23 of the agreement in mice type. 100 per workstation for wear and tear and an additional 825 for a business continuation that we didnrsquot even use. Also, the deposit takes months to get back. We will never lease from Regus again. December 14, 2007 8:38 AM classcuttext. kaistudios said. This is complaint about Los Angeles (RegusHQ) charged me extra services without consulting with me first to my card on file they wouldnt refund my money on my request and even says that I need to keep the services for 3 months. They will try and sign you up for a long term contract which will bind you to their costly and ineffective service for what initially appears to be a discounted fee that will cost you greatly later. I never able to get in touch with a decent manager and its impossible to close the account once established. that was a big mistake to sign up with this guys and I lost lots of business because of them. Their system seem to be built on commissions to unsuccessful real estate agents so their is no interest in giving good service or long term relationship marketing but selling as high as possible. save yourself and go somewhere else. March 18, 2009 6:57 PM . Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. March 31, 2009 8:02 AM . Regus is crooked and dishonest and you should never sign with them. They sell you on the flexibility and in all in one package that will save you money. They use a terms and conditions she in microscopic print that contains things like an automatic renewal. Regus is dispicable and I suspect very soon they will face a class action lawsuit for their shady ways. The use low cost uneducated people to answer the phone that are far from professional. They will never follow up with you near renewal hoping you will miss the automatic renewal and be forced into a whole new term. NEVER, EVER use Regus. June 2, 2009 8:53 PM Anonymous said. I work for regus in Australia and it is June 9, 2009 3:04 AM It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients as well as ex-employees that the REGUS GROUPHQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. The list of client and ex-employee complains is getting longer everyday. Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments. It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return. Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the ldquosmall printsrdquo in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left lsquohanging in the airrsquo without any possibility to receive his money refunded. The Regus managers ldquoin chargerdquo are suddenly ldquoun-availablerdquo to solve any problems and the client is ldquodragged over the floorrdquo for months with ldquoexcuse lettersrdquo but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply ldquoignoredrdquo and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too. Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IF YOU DONrsquoT WISH TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM. THERE ARE FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL COMPANIES OUT THERE WHO WILL GLADLY OFFER YOU THEIR SERVICES AND THEY DO DELIVER IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team. MORE REGUS VICTIMS: 11 hours 54 minutes ago by Sophia2000 0 Votes I have problem with Regus UK, at first they talk about benefits with Regus, and after end of my contract when I decided to leave them they show their real face and they didnrsquot return my deposit, please beware them and considering before agreement with them. Mark Dixon has given a typically bullish interview with the Telegraph newspaper this week. In it he states that he wants Regus to become the next ldquoGoogle or Microsoftrdquo and that he wants to Regus to be seen as a useful tool that people use to operate successfully in Business. Clearly Regus have got someway to go to reach the status of Google or Microsoft in terms of monetary value, however it is more the sentiment expressed by Dixon that should be of interest. If anyone thinks that he would be satisfied with Regusrsquos current domination of the global serviced office market, then they would be under a misapprehension over the psyche of Mr Dixon. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE BEFORE THE AUTHORITHIES BRING THIS GLOBAL SCAM ARTIST DOWN. Sir Stelios, the founder of easyGroup, which includes easyOffice. co. uk, has today issued defamation proceedings through Schillings (the leading law firm in reputation management) against Mark Dixon, CEO of international serviced office company Regus Group Plc, and the company itself, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Sir Stelios is suing following claims made to the Financial Times Sir Stelios said today: ldquoI was called a liar to a publication I respect hugely and one that is very important in my business career. This is unacceptable to me and I have decided to take this legal step to clear my name and my reputation in the City. rdquo 4 hours 55 minutes ago by don not use regus they are bad 0 Votes Trust me they are just as bad in the UK, we took a office from them in Leeds, Wellington Place, the staff are very rude the sales reps totally lie about everything then you never see them for a blue moon, they very very dodgy to look at them you would think they would be a good company to deal with they are the utter pitts, DO NOT USE THEM, THEY WILL ONLY GET IN THE WAY OF YOU RUN RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS. . Regus chiefs waive their pay as losses spiral By Susie Mesure Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Mark Dixon, Reguss chief executive, and Stephen Stamp, the finance director, have waived their salaries in a desperate attempt to stop the troubled serviced-offices provider haemorrhaging cash. Both men have worked for free since August and will continue to do so until the end of the year. Mr Dixon was being paid pound400, 000 a year while Mr Stamp earned pound160, 000. The move accompanied redundancies for a quarter of Reguss staff and an across-the-board pay cut of 40 per cent, helping to slash pound60m from the companys cost base. Shares in Regus soared 87 per cent to 36p, buoyed by signs that the groups strategy shift to longer-term contracts was working. Mr Dixon, who owns 60 per cent of Reguss share capital, bought a further one million shares at 30p each. His share holding is worth pound121m, down from more than pound1.3bn earlier this year. Mr Dixon said the cost-cutting action, prompted by a catastrophic profits warning in July following a downturn in Reguss business, should mean the company is cash-flow positive by next year. We are guardedly optimistic about the future, he said. Regus cut 800 jobs in the last three months, including 287 in Britain, and halted its new centres opening programme. It has reduced monthly cash expenditure from about pound12m a month through to September to a forecast of pound1.2m by December. Analysts remained cautious about the groups ability to increase its cashflow next year after it discounted fees to win back tenants. Businesses can rent a Regus workspace for as little as pound8 a day in the provinces and pound19 a day in London. While Regus said that its order book had reached a record level in September, fears remain about how well the business will fare in increasingly difficult economic conditions. Demand for Reguss US workstations has plummeted. Regus reported a pre-tax loss of pound11m for the three months to 30 September, compared with a profit of pound4.9m a year earlier. The company took an exceptional charge of pound87m, mostly in relation to its efforts to cut overheads. . Regus Shares Drop and Investors Reject Pay Package By Ceri Jones sdot May 21, 2009 sdot Shares in the UKrsquos largest serviced office operator Regus Plc have fallen by over 10 per cent. The drop of 9p per share has come despite the company seeing a year-on-year increase in turn over during the past four months. CEO Mark Dixon has reportedly blamed the drop in value of the pound for the slow up in revenue. After being offered an executive pay package, a third of the companyrsquos independent shareholders voted against the package for the second time in two years at the grouprsquos annual meeting. Ahead of the vote the Association of British Insurers expressed concerns regarding the companyrsquos corporate governance after Regus chose to ignore the companyrsquos share underperformance and allot 1.6m shares to Mark Dixon, who owns over 37 of the company, in line with the grouprsquos performance bonus plan. MARK DIXON AND THE REGUS GROUP - A SINKING SHIP. MAKE SURE THEY DONT GO DOWN WITH YOUR MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS. Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a ldquoBusiness Continuationrdquo fee, which, when looking over the TC, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of 75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices. . 71 days ago by anonymous 0 Votes Highly agree. All around they are too expensive and the fees are ridiculous. I would never recommend there service to anyone in any location. Regus published wrong address on several buildings. during a USPS software and hardware upgrade, we noticed mail being returned with what we knew to be the proper address. Later we learned that the post office had advised the regus group in irvinemant times about using the proper address. they have since changed the address BUT wont pay a dime to anyone most are unaware and absorbed the cost to cure BECAUSE regus told the clients the post office was in error. i found it and was terminated regus loses mail regus is awful to deal with regus doesnt care about client service regus told OUR clients we werent there, didnt have a real office etc regus told OUR clients they had th wrong number watch out for regus group . HQ Regus Group Business Center 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75219 map district: Turtle Creek About HQ Regus Group Business Center CONSUMER WARNING: This service is a complete rip-off. Dallas has used this service and determined that it cannot be recommended. The company provides customers with an agreement that autorenews annually, and they dont acknowledge requests for cancellation, nor do they notify customers of renew dates. In our opinion, this is an outrageous business practice. So unless you want to spend 100 forever just to have a mail address, we recommend against using HQ Dallas Turtle Creek, which is part of The Regus Group. There are other less expensive services available, and until they develop a customer-centric focus, we advise Dallas business owners to go elsewhere. classcuttext. Egregious Regus Unofficial Site 1000 locations. 450 cities. 75 countries. One call. NO SERVICE. Regus Group and HQ Global Workplaces provide office space, virtual offices, meeting rooms, mailing addresses, receptionist and other services etc. The concept is to work smarter perhaps at a reduced cost. But at what real cost Here is the problem. Regus terminated my agreement after several years with them. The area director, Michelle Prentiss, had promised to provide better service and stepped into assist with some issues at the center and unfortunately there was no resolution. After paying for about half of my expenses related to Regus improperly publishing and issuing the innacurate address, they terminated the agreement thus leaving me to front the cost of changing my address again on everything just 8 months later Regus has a high turn over rate at the front desk If you enjoy: Mail being returned due to improper address used by Regus (prior 4.08) New hires constantly andor temp personel New hirestemps sending calls to the wrong extension Being over billed for long distance you never had (we have years of this) Clients turned away because their money order wasnt in an envelope Mail forwarding not done for 3 weeks Front desk telling your clients you really arent real as you have no real office Front desk telling clients that Regus is just an answering service and we do not have an office there Personal calls going to other clients within the building Front desk confusing your phone number with another number and telling your clients you are no longer there and they have the wrong number and then do nothing for you. No apology. nothing Publishing the wrong address and having you pay for the changes on your letterheard, business cards, brochures, etc. then you will love Regus. Retaliation You decide. I had been experiencing mail issues for over a year. The post office blamed Regus for not publishing and sharing the proper address with their tenants. I alerted the Regus local manager about the mail problem and was ignored. I was labeled a problem and could not understand why. I discovered that Regus liked to use a more impressive address and mail wasnt always an issue until the post office upgraded hardware and software randomly throughout the country. More to come. Regus - HQ I have to fund the reprinting of all cards, brochures, contracts etc. If Regus does not perform and you prefer they do, they may terminate your agreement The time spent with all the new people was costly. I lost two clients due to Regus unprofessional handling of my front office. 5.12.09 - lost another client because Josalyn Ramirez instructed the front desk to tell our clients we were no longer there and have the wrong number Watch out for this General Manager if you are leasing in at 8001 Irvine Center Drive. When I notified Josalyn of the error she would not respond although at the center. Josalyn had confused numbers and even after alerting her of the error, she continued to harm our firm. It has been repeated issues like this that has been the catalyst for this site. If not for Marion, we would have lost more clients. Concerns Regus claims to reserve the right to change the house rules whenever they like. Strzec się. I am now fighting for costs to change all marketing material, cards, letterhead, brochures etc. Why, because Regus published it inaccurately and kept the address issue confidential for about 5 years and allowed many of us to suffer while trying to find our checks and mail. Did you recently have to change your address Regus sent a memo the end of 2007 and blamed the post office for an address update. Fact is, I discovered that Regus in Irvine, CA had been told for years that they had been using the wrong address. I personally feel that Regus is responsible for all expenses incurred by each client at 8001 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92618. Regus is also responsible for any issues that occurred as a result of the address being published inaccurately. Any mail returned leading to a default judgment, client loss, etc. Do share holders know that several buildings involving potentially hundreds of people could lay claim to reimbursement I am now fighting to take the local number I was assigned and has my name in the phone directory. Be aware that Regus wll hold you hostage. I can not get a copy of my contract or agreement. I have asked 11 times since the summer. They fax me someone elses agreement. REGUS 8001 Irvine Center Drive 4.21.09 NO PHONES ANSWERED Dial 949.754.4000 There is a recording. Happens often. Regus Reply - We were having some technical difficulties with our phone system, but they are fixed now. Thank you for alerting us to this. This has been occurring as long as i been there. I had calls sent to other tenants. This was common enough even though I had instructions on where to send calls. New people are not always as careful or care. They are temporary Want to use the conference room Think again. I quit having conferences as the turn over is great and the new hires do not know how to set up connectivity. Do not worry about negotiating special pricing. Since house rules change, Regus changed all of my special conference pricing. This isnt the image you want for your company. I was promised for a long time that things would change. If you ask for service you may be terminated. Obviously I learned alot and feel the need to share. Regus cost me money, a few clients and the image is not professional. You look virtual classcuttext.

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